Well, Hawkeye may be quick with an arrow, but he's in trouble in this one! 😉
#josswhedon  #avengers  ?Joss Whedon’s Avengers by Andy J. Hunter
Well, Hawkeye may be quick with an arrow, but he’s in trouble in this one! 😉
#josswhedon  #avengers Â
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I think it would be more fitting if it was Tony and more dramatic if it was Steve. I feel very indifferent about Hawkeye.
Notice that Black Widow is not present? She's holding Joss Whedon's family hostage! 😉
I suppose it beats a "We killed off {Cap || Stark}, let's do Search for Spock as the next movie!"
If he goes Bendis-style, with an exploding arrow in his quiver I'll be entertained.
NO!! Hawkeye needs his screen time! I don't care who they kill as long as it isn't Hawkeye!
You just want to make sure a Hawk-girl picture gets made, Kate.
Or iron man, since without his suit he is nothing, but the same could be said to the rest, and theirs been movies when each and everyone of them loose their powers, hawkeye can just keep making arrows
Or make it that he makes an apprentice which is a girl, then I'd be ok with Hawkeye deing lol