Jumping on the #myhandwriting hashtag bandwagon.

Jumping on the #myhandwriting hashtag bandwagon.

I thought this was interesting when I saw it posted by +Nikki C. I decided to also post cursive with mine, though more often than not I just use printed letters.

Her post read:
+Mathew Hanley got the idea from Bic's  universal typeface experiment.

What does your handwriting look like?  
Write the sentence below and share with the hashtag

Are you left or right handed? 

"Hello world.
This is an example of my handwriting." 

Mat's original post
Jumping on the #myhandwriting hashtag bandwagon.

I thought this was interesting when I saw it posted by +Nikki C. I decided to also post cursive with mine, though more often than not I just use printed letters.

Her post read:
+Mathew Hanley got the idea from Bic’s  universal typeface experiment.

What does your handwriting look like?
Write the sentence below and share with the hashtag

Are you left or right handed?

“Hello world.
This is an example of my handwriting.”

Mat’s original post

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