Late Night with Charlie Hoover

Cue the band music! They're playing Happy Birthday for Geek Question of the Day ( #gqotd ) host +Charlie Hoover!

Geek question (for Mister Hoover):
A secret cabal of network executives, in an attempt to create the perfect late night talk show host, developed a mutant virus with the intent of slipping it into select host's coffee mugs. Stephen Colbert and John Stewart, upon finding out they were never even considered, stole the formula and took it to Oprah. Oprah, angered by the network infidels used the powers at her disposal to mutate the formula further and paid her top spy Guillermo to secretly distribute the formula to ALL late night hosts. Your question, good Mister Hoover, is three-fold, (1) what super mutant powers do the hosts develop, (2) who turns into a super hero and who turns into a super villain, and (3) what super groups would form?

Please check out Charlie's stream and, especially, his Geek Question of the Day posts. He's engaging, and an awful nice fellow. He also looks exactly like Conan O'Brien, which is uncanny.


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10 Responses to Late Night with Charlie Hoover

  1. Carrie Canup says:

    Another excellent one~!~

  2. Dirk Reul says:

    I am sure there are no pants involved!

  3. Carrie Canup says:

    Hangouts have the no pants rule, so obviously!

  4. Charlie Hoover says:

    Wow who knew I was a ginger?

  5. Scott Cramer says:

    Umm. Carrie. 😉

  6. Carrie Canup says:

    Nope…its news to me!

  7. Scott Cramer says:


  8. Charlie Hoover says:

    I dye it…

  9. Dirk Reul says:


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