Leaving for New Orleans

I’m getting ready to leave on a business trip – a fundraising convention in New Orleans. The plane leaves tomorrow morning sometime and I’m coming home on Sunday. I’m very comfortable with this level of information. I know the details are written down… the little things like departure time and airline and hotel and the like. I’ll look at it before bed most likely… perhaps just before I pack. This distresses the people around me for some reason. There’s a certain “comfort gene” I must be missing – the one where I have to pack two or three times and well ahead of the trip, where I have my flight itenery written in several places (in case of fire) and in several languages (just in case the whole tower of Babel fiasco decides to repeat itself just to mess with me). In honor of all these nervous people, I’ll check my flight times just before bed, but I’m not going to pack until sometime between taking my shower in the morning and walking out the door. 🙂

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