Darling daughter dons a mask
Becomes a lizard creature
Like something from a feature
Sci-fi movie in the past
My fervent wish to teach her
Make the fun and wonder last
And embrace each day so that
The silly never leaves her
Daughter is 13 years old, a time when a lot of kids do not want to be silly or look different or be outside of "the norm". She watches dear old dad do a lot of silly and off the wall things, and I love when she lets down her guard and joins in the fun. These are the goggles that I used when brother +Keith Cramer and I had our Roman candle duel last 4th of July (http://goo.gl/nKdJX). She's a lot smarter than dad is, though, and stays clear of anything involving fireworks. But, in the end, I hope she never forgets that as old as dad gets, and even when he makes some questionable choices on wacky stunts, that you can always be a kid and embrace the fun and silly bits in life.
#poem #cramerbrothers #lifelessons ?Long Live Imagination and Silliness
Darling daughter dons a mask
Becomes a lizard creature
Like something from a feature
Sci-fi movie in the past
My fervent wish to teach her
Make the fun and wonder last
And embrace each day so that
The silly never leaves her
Daughter is 13 years old, a time when a lot of kids do not want to be silly or look different or be outside of “the norm”. She watches dear old dad do a lot of silly and off the wall things, and I love when she lets down her guard and joins in the fun. These are the goggles that I used when brother +Keith Cramer and I had our Roman candle duel last 4th of July (http://goo.gl/nKdJX). She’s a lot smarter than dad is, though, and stays clear of anything involving fireworks. But, in the end, I hope she never forgets that as old as dad gets, and even when he makes some questionable choices on wacky stunts, that you can always be a kid and embrace the fun and silly bits in life.
#poem #cramerbrothers #lifelessons
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This is not only an amazing shot, it's also a testament to what a great dad you are, Scott.
Thanks +Dirk Reul. Like, a lot. I'm a lucky man to have her and the family and the friends, yourself included, in my life. I think about how many years I took advantage of so much of it all and I try very hard to not do that anymore. Some days I do not think I succeed as much as I should, but I get up the next day and try again. Really appreciate the comment.
You know that friends are also there if you need them, don't be afraid to reach out if only to have a laugh, Scott. Not ever for any reason
Scott. … NEVER underestimate the effect a father has in his daughter's life. All I know is you are doing it right.
You & small very much remind me of my own relationship with my Dad. Know that you are indeed a wonderful Dad & she will look back very fondly at the memories you're making together.
Thanks all! It's a bit overwhelming to hear, but very nice indeed. I appreciate all y'all very much.
It's already been said but with a dad as awesome as you your daughter already has a massive head-start in how to be a wonderful person and have a little bit of fun now and then ;D
You need send that to the school as the year book pic. Oh yeah.
Awesome shot! But your daughter is quite photo genic! 🙂
Hehe… +Keith Cramer, she would shoot me. 😀
+Kristi Fahlsing I think so but I am definitely biased!