Mayhem at the Walmart Store with Daughter

Not being ones to play favorite with the local big box stores, daughter and I made a nuisance of ourselves at our local Walmart (see earlier post for Meijer ransackery). I wonder how many masks people purchase there that have been tried on by us or +Kristi Fahlsing? ;-)?

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5 Responses to Mayhem at the Walmart Store with Daughter

  1. Halfdan Reschat says:

    Still not banned from Walmart?

  2. Scott Cramer says:

    It's why I grow the beard. Confuses the facial recognition security cameras. 😉

  3. Reggie Richardson says:

    If you walk down the aisle with masks at Walmart and don't try on one, I don't trust you. LOL. Love it!

  4. Scott Cramer says:

    +Reggie Richardson My kind of Walmart shopper! 😉

  5. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    Considering we model try them on often, I'd say a lot!

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