Daughter wanted to go to a corn maze this weekend. Less than ten minutes from home. Corn maze.
Daughter snapped this pic while I was totally trying to call down the aliens who built this crop circle!
#cornmaze #cornfield #cropcircleMeanwhile, in Indiana…
Daughter wanted to go to a corn maze this weekend. Less than ten minutes from home. Corn maze.
Daughter snapped this pic while I was totally trying to call down the aliens who built this crop circle!
#cornmaze #cornfield #cropcircle
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Cramers of the Corn…
And… It poured down rain on us too. 😉
you forgot your white towel.
Wouldn't it be a corn maize … See what I did there
Just get to a door. They can't open them!
If you get abducted by aliens it is your own goddamn fault.
Look +Scott Cramer you know very well that Aliens only came to Indiana once. They left me, and haven't been back since.
Cramers of the corn – But of course! Perfect 😀
+Charlie Hoover +Gita Jaisinghani "Cramers of the Corn" has a nice shenanigans ring to it. 😉
+Adam Schadt We are going to go back yet this year. I am so going to take a white towel!
+Allen Simpson Corny. ;-P
+Andrew Clifton-Brown London corn fields have doors?!?!?!
+Halfdan Reschat No worries mate, we'll swing by and pick you up! Hehehe
+Andrew Head Umm… I thought that was in the NDA………
+Sean Cowen +Blaine Hall You guys want to go one weekend?
Of course.  We're civilised.  We have Signs to them 😉
+Andrew Clifton-Brown Ha! I see what you did there (again). 😉
Never tried one of these. U find your way thru OK?
+Ole Olson I was actually thinking it would be a no brainer but we totally got turned around more than once. I think being dusk, overcast, and then eventually raining helped with the navigation difficulty. I totally recommend going at dusk on an overcast rainy day! 😀
I hear the crickets…