Interesting casting. I never followed Ant-Man much, so I do not have a preconceived idea of what Hank Pym should look like. This definitely brings some acting chops to the role. I am looking forward to seeing how he does.
From the link:
The Oscar-winning actor joins the cast of Marvel's Ant-Man, in theaters July 31, 2015!
#antman #marvelcomics Michael Douglas to Star as Hank Pym in Marvel’s Ant-Man
Interesting casting. I never followed Ant-Man much, so I do not have a preconceived idea of what Hank Pym should look like. This definitely brings some acting chops to the role. I am looking forward to seeing how he does.
From the link:
The Oscar-winning actor joins the cast of Marvel’s Ant-Man, in theaters July 31, 2015!
#antman #marvelcomics
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microsoft ??????
Ant Man should be younger. He has a thing going on with the Wasp.
+Annette Holland Yea but with technology…ugh.. digital rewind…
Edgar Wright, the director, already said he loved the "To Steal An Ant-Man" story. And with Paul Rudd already signed as well, look for Douglas' Pym to make the suit before Rudd's Scott Lang steals it and becomes the 'hero'.
+Annette Holland in this movie Hank Pym is not Ant-man, they're going directly with Scott Lang becoming Ant-man.
I hope Hank Pym uses the suit in the Avengers 2 if he's in it as the creator of Ultron
I think its going to be a semi period piece. With Hank Pym being Antman in the 60s.
Ah okay that explains it, I just remembered my old West Coast Avenger Comics with the Wasp and Ant-Man and was mildly confused.
I hope Rashida Jones is Wasp.
I'm not one for changing the ethnicities for already established characters (Idris Elba as Heimdale) but Jones just looks the part.
+Igor Guarisma I heard that they are going to make stark the creator of ultron. Hopefully they get pym into avengers 2 at least as the co creator. Or just have a cut scene at the beginning with pym making ultron. They also need to explain pym particles.
NO!!! Henry Pym is much younger than that!
Whew. Marvel…Gal Gadot thanks you for taking some of the heat off of her from the "HURRIBLE CASTIN'" crowd. Michael Douglas wouldn't be my first choice for Hank Pym, but I'm on board to see what direction the movie takes. If an older Pym is needed, Douglas should be able to nail it down.
+Igor Guarisma I hadn't even thought of that. With Hank Pym being cast, they can potentially have him in Avengers 2 as the creator of Ultron as that would tie in nicely with the comics.
+Annette Holland well Mike should work perfectly….he loves young chicks….lol
Ugh. I hate his acting.
First Catherine Zeta now this…WHAT'S IN THE WATER MD!
+Kaz McNellie I really hope so, even if he doesn't wear the Ant-man suit and just play the scientist part.
I haven't seen anything about Wasp though, I think Fox had that with X-men First Class, but since Quick Silver is said to appear in Avengers 2… who knows…
U know what in all honesty….it's kinda like when Robert Downey Jr was cast as iron man….unless ur an 80s baby most people were like wdf…but I think he has done one of the better jobs in the history of comic book movies…Mike is one of the better character actors out there…..would u rather have Kurt Russell…aka snake pliskin…switching all over the set….lmao
All they really need Pym for is the creation of the Pym particles. He doesn't need to do anything heroic at all or be Ant-Man in any way. They going a different way in the cinematic universe but keeping enough similarities that fans don't feel alienated from it.