+Nunzia Nullo created a connect-the-dot picture of +Keith Cramer for the photo contest I started yesterday. I'm not having any better luck than +Damian Sanchez getting it to turn out right!!!
Anyone interested in having some fun with the contest (and punking Keith, of course) take a look at the original contest post. http://goo.gl/J7dM8
In album August 30, 2012 (1 photo)
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Post imported by Google+Blog. Created By Daniel Treadwell.
It would probably help if there were numbers, or letters, or any hint of what that picture should look like, #justsaying .
The resemblance is striking.
The nose is all wrong.
ahahaahahah, great!!!!
I have to ask wheres perry?
+greg gregory Ha!
dear +Scott Cramer
is always the fault of +Salvio Giglio : you must know that I wanted to add numbers to the dots but he said: "No! Whom do you want to print it?" I do not have to listen him. It could be a great exercise of imagination …. ahahahhahah 😀
Let the voting begin! The Sweet Sixteen has been posted!