So, a moment by myself at the zoo and I walked up to this exhibit. A young monkey ran up from the back of the enclosure and jumped up onto the cage wires to have a look at me. The picture where he is leaning off toward the right of the frame was snapped just after that. It was toward the end of the day and I was the only one standing there for a moment. I suddenly had an idea; I put the camera on front facing mode (where you can take a selfie) and leaned way in for the monkey to see himself. He was mesmerized with his own image and watched himself moving around. I blindly snapped the other shots here of the monkey looking at himself. It was a very fun moment shared… and then he dribbled a piece of food out of his mouth and ran back to his mom. 😉
#monkey  #animalphotography Â
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Selfie? 😉
 a wonderful tale,thank-you
Heeheee! +Kyla Myers <3
Very cool bro. I'll have to do this sometime.
Hey, next time just start a video and hand him the camera!
Can I borrow your video camera?
I was a teenager at the zoo with several small children and a boy I liked ,he had gone off with the boys to see the snakes and bugs which most of the girls didn't want to see.We were standing near the cage of the smame sort of monkey',the girls were getting bored so I decided that maybe I would put some perfume on them (little girls like that as much as big girls) then I droped the cap to the bottle it bounced toward the monkey enclosure and out popped a little hand and caught it. The little monkey girl seemed to like it as much as the little naked apes did .She sniffed it and sniffed it tasted it and realized right away it didn't taste good. We were all having a laugh. When I tried to encourage her to give it back she ran up the tree to a box ,obviously her bedroom ,when she returned she didn't have it with her,she had stashed it.The look on her face was priceless,she was trying so hard to look inocent. Then she would sniff her fingers and run them around her neck to keep the smell near her nose,just like the naked apes do.Latr that day we went by there again and we saw the keeper we had told she had it just incase she swallowed it or something ,and the keeper said there was no way she was taking it from her unless she was asleep ,but as much as she liked she didn't think she would . Which suited me just fine.
The perfume needs to go over by the penguin and river otter enclosures; very rank.
The monkey enclosure was no perfume shop either.The otter and penguins probably have the aroma haha of dead fish.