If +Andrew Clifton-Brown asks you for a bucket… RUN! 😉
Original Monty Pyton Mr. Creosote sketch (not for the weak of stomach):
Mr. Creosote
#gplususermashup #montypython #mrcreosote
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muahaha. Oh this is evil
At least I chose the pre-bucket one… I had them both sitting in Photoshop. 😉
Oh you absolute swine +Scott Cramer!
I meant do this to Dirk not me!
Though truth be told I look quite good with the more verbose frame!
I have this cookie here, just one bite..
Waifer thin?
Looking away…it burns.
Evil cackle! It suits you ACB!
One more wafer…….
I now have that entire scene playing in my head 🙂
Happy days
Wha?! You meant for me to 'shop Dirk?
Oooo…. O:-)
Heh. Swine 😉
3 words: Larry, Curly, Moe
Why I oughta…
OOOO!!! Hitting image search in 2 seconds…
ACB – Soon to star in a price comparison advert.
+Scott Cramer you are the gift that keeps on giving!
gah. Kill it!
I'm looking in a mirror!
You beard is not that good!
But my hair is 😛
Yeah, you have me there!
+Anna Robertson Davis Thank you! Love to hear that. 😉 hehe
Can I laugh and feel bad for ACB at the same time?
I think that is our usual MO 😉
I haz feelings!
I think.
+Andrew Clifton-Brown you don't, you're not human
Semantic +Mathew Hanley. I walk upright 😉
So can gorillas +Andrew Clifton-Brown Gorilla learns to swagger like a man
hahaha… well done. I too am laughing and feeling bad for ACB.
heh. No need to +Jimmie Clinton. I've been feed and watered. All good here!
Pass me a mint.
lol #waferthin
And perhapz, a hoze.