More Stacking Insanity

17 Fruit Loops. This to combat +Chris Bluett's stack of 15. Note of personal pride, there are no repeating colors on top of each other. 😉

Keith's #cheerioschallenge  post:

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12 Responses to More Stacking Insanity

  1. Chris Bluett says:

    Nooooo, time to get stacking 🙂

  2. Chad Wilson says:

    How did you resist eating them?

  3. Scott Cramer says:

    I ate them.

  4. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    Easier than cheerios?

  5. Scott Cramer says:

    I think so.

  6. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    hm…ok…and you only did 17?? lol

  7. Chris Bluett says:

    Ahh but 17 is still epic, you have to eat about 20+ to get it done 🙂

  8. Chad Wilson says:

    Fruit Loops look to be bigger than normal Cheerios.  It is possible that makes them harder to stack really high.  I may have to buy a box and try the experiment.

  9. Scott Cramer says:

    Fruit loops appear to be more stable. However, due to their individual height, they become equally as hard after about 17. 😉

  10. Keith Cramer says:

    I would have to agree… Easier to get over 10… but they get even more difficult the higher you go. IMHO.

  11. Keith Cramer says:

    #cheerioschallenge  (and other cereals) leaderboard can be found here:

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