Mosaic Challenge & Happy New Year to my Friends and Peers!

Challenge is below… but first, I want to say a few words…

I downloaded a copy of the avatar for every user that I follow and every user that follows me to create this photo mosaic. All of you are Google+ to me so the combination of this image made up of all of you was exactly the embodiment for what I feel. I appreciate the posts, the comments, and every bit of interaction. You normally get out of something what you put into it. Perhaps I have put more effort into the Google+ community than I have anywhere else, but I feel like I have gotten out of it much more than I have put in! Thanks to all of you! Looking forward to so much more in 2012!

The Challenge! Okay, so I couldn't just leave well enough alone with a picture. πŸ˜‰ Download the original full size image if you want to have some fun. If you partied too much for the New Year, you might want to let the hangover subside before doing this!

1) Can you find yourself? I'll admit, I'm a little vain sometimes. I searched for myself. Took me way longer than it should! Please note, I downloaded all the images on 12/30. If you added me after that I apologize that your picture did not make it into the mosaic. Also, if you changed your image, look for your old one!

Most of us share the Geek gene. I have a Doctor Who and a Star Wars challenge hidden within the mosaic.

2) Find the following Star Wars images: Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, Princes Leia, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Obi-Wan Kenobi, C3PO, R2D2, Yoda, Jawa, Stormtrooper, Millenium Falcon, Death Star, X-Wing Fighter, and Tie Fighter

3) Find the following Doctor Who images: Each of the 11 Doctors, Tardis, Dalek, Cyberman, and K-9 +Jenn Kirkland, thought of you when I did this one!

There are 3025 images in a 55×55 grid. I padded out the mosaic with about 75 monkeys, pandas, Google+ symbols, Android images, some VW's, a jeep for my bro +Keith Cramer, and a few other oddities, but otherwise it's all you guys!

Special thanks to +Dan Soto and +Carter Gibson for putting me in touch with a lot more users. Also +matthew rappaport for some interesting edumacation whether knowingly or not. πŸ˜‰ +Cliff Roth 2012 New Year's goal to get drawn. +Alyssa Milano just 'cuz. +Kristi Fahlsing for not letting me take any shortcuts making this image. And since this is still the holidays, +Secret Santa team, because that was pretty darn cool.

[EDIT Jan 15th] The answer key, including a new image with the locations overlaid on the original mosaic, can be found at this post:

Google+: View post on Google+

Post imported by Google+Blog. Created By Daniel Treadwell.

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291 Responses to Mosaic Challenge & Happy New Year to my Friends and Peers!

  1. Jenn Kirkland says:

    Clever! Not hung over but very sleepy – sleepy enough that I can't figure out how to expand the pic big enough to see the tiles clearly. Tomorrow, yeah?

  2. Benjamin Anderson says:

    +12 for Star Wars and all 11 Doctors!

  3. Scott Davison says:

    I downloaded it, 6 down 36 across.
    Thanks for including me.
    Now to find the Doctors.

  4. matthew rappaport says:

    Haha glad I could help.. I made a hangout collage but you used g+ coloring.. nice! πŸ™‚ Wow I blew it up after downloading… nuts! hehe
    How long did this take ya hehe πŸ™‚

  5. Debbie Stephens says:

    Wow – that's just nuts, but sooo impressive.

  6. Benjamin Anderson says:

    32 across 14 down. Found 8 Doctors and a Cyberman and had to give up.

  7. Mark Smith says:

    Just wow. Kudos +Scott Cramer and thanks for including me too. Wow. And yes, I actually did, at nearly 4 in the morning… shakes head… take the time to find myself in it. lol… :-

  8. Scott Cramer says:

    +matthew rappaport Longer than it should have… I'm an obsessive tweaker. Hardest part was getting all the images. Didn't want to dive into the API and couldn't just save 'em down. Cleared my cache, then viewed all the people in my circles and people who have me in their circles. Used an extension to view the cache and copy out all the images. πŸ˜‰ Then I got to playing… I stopped just short of adding all the guys from Reservoir Dogs. hehe

  9. Greg Xu says:

    I saw me!!! Did you see yourself?

  10. Scott Cramer says:

    +Benjamin Anderson hehe, in a couple days I'll post the coordinates for where all the challenge images are at, so keep an eye on the thread. πŸ˜‰

  11. Feisal Kamil says:

    awesome job Scott!

  12. Benjamin Anderson says:

    Wow, Scott. Nice work. One of the best things about g+ is people like you sharing such amazing and engaging things. Thanks. I will definitely try again later when my eyes are less blurry. πŸ˜›

  13. Emilio Boronali says:

    +Scott Cramer you're crazy. I like that!

  14. Claude Rieth says:

    Wow! Great idea! And great realisation!

  15. Herman de Waal says:

    Just for this post I've added you to my circles.
    PS Actually, I would like to be on next year's image… =D

  16. Tino Kremer says:

    Nice idea. It should bring some new followers too πŸ˜€

  17. Herman de Waal says:

    It did.

  18. Ahmed El Araby says:

    Brilliant Idea

  19. graham mewburn says:


  20. Jennifer Mandarino says:


  21. Denis Labelle says:

    Happy New Year and all the best in 2012, +Scott Cramer

  22. Kari Tedrick says:

    Nicely done Scott, will have to find myself once I get back to the computer.

  23. Scott Cramer says:

    +graham mewburn What can we help with?

  24. Cliff Roth says:

    I love a good challenge! Thanks for the shoutout! I am probably going to host my first Speedpaint Hangout of the year tomorrow evening EST

  25. Scott Cramer says:

    +Kari Tedrick hehe! Like, +100 if you can find yourself viewing from a cell phone!!! πŸ˜‰

  26. Scott Cramer says:

    +Cliff Roth Thanks for the head's up, will try and be there!

  27. Kari Tedrick says:

    Believe me, I've tried. I had given up but now I'm considering the suggested challenge +Scott Cramer

  28. Scott Cramer says:

    +Kari Tedrick Your challenge, should you choose to accept it… (insert Mission Impossible theme here) Since there is no +100 button, I'll offer up a baked good prize mailed to your doorstep. Unless that's against a New Year's Resolution, then I'll FedEx some lettuce. πŸ˜‰

  29. Bearman Cartoons says:

    Figures you would put me in the last row…haha Great work Scott!

  30. Humberto Gauna says:

    Too Bad I hadn't followed you before. This is GREAT! Hats off to you +Scott Cramer

  31. Jennifer Mandarino says:

    7 down 18 over

  32. Scott Cramer says:

    +Bearman Cartoons Thanks! See, something to be said for starting at the bottom… πŸ˜‰

  33. Rose Kyd says:

    I wonders if im there?

  34. ?? says:


  35. norkhairi misdi says:

    aww shucks.. I'm not in the mosaic.. sad

  36. Scott Ormond says:

    I'm viewing this on my phone, so I'm quickly going blind.

  37. Kari Tedrick says:

    +Scott Cramer. Well that was really difficult, buy honestly it was harder coming up with the number across and down after I finally found it. 30 across and 17 down.

  38. Ayoub Khote says:

    I found me!

    Awesome πŸ˜€

    Found a great many familiar faces, too πŸ˜€

  39. Scott Cramer says:

    +Scott Ormond join the +Kari Tedrick baked goods challenge. Disclaimer: I'm not getting kickbacks from the optometry industry. πŸ˜‰

  40. Kari Tedrick says:

    baked goods? I must have missed that part!.{edit} Oh I see now, I was a bit busy squinting at the phone and didn't know you had upped the ante.

  41. Gerwin Sturm says:

    yay, found myself πŸ™‚
    Someone needs to tag all those people πŸ˜‰

  42. Jennifer Mandarino says:


  43. Scott Cramer says:

    +Kari Tedrick I didn't think it was possible! πŸ˜‰ Also, didn't consider the extra challenge of finding the coordinates on the dinky screen once you found the picture. Nice job. Name your flavor; I've got Monday off. πŸ˜‰

  44. momodou lamin jallow says:

    very creative…….

  45. Kari Tedrick says:

    +Scott Cramer I'm very stubborn, and now suffering from a headache and as we all know the only real cure for eye strain is Chocolate!
    I do have a fairly nice sized screen but the images got blurry when I zoomed in a significant amount so had to leave it pretty small.

  46. Scott Cramer says:

    +Rose Kyd +?? (who said according to Google translate, "I'm almost certain there is no me.") +norkhairi misdi If you had me in your circles prior to 12/30 I should have picked up whatever avatar you had on that day around 2pm EST when I captured all the images. I don't want you to search in vane! Although, you can still do the picture-find challenge… πŸ™‚

    +Jennifer Mandarino You found yourself on a cellphone? πŸ˜‰

    +Kari Tedrick PM a postal address. I'm a man of my word.

    Thank you all for the positive feedback. I apologize for headaches or adding to existing headaches from last night! hehe

  47. Scott Cramer says:

    +Gerwin Sturm Oh my! That would keep me busy until 2013!

  48. Frosch Polster says:

    Awesome! Great job… it's like viewing my daily journal of 'circle addiction'!! Thnx!!!

  49. Scott Cramer says:

    +Frosch Polster Thanks! After seeing your avatar, I'm kicking myself for not adding a Boba Fett image to the Star Wars part of the challenge!

  50. Jenn Kirkland says:

    Given the blur when zooming in I can't be sure, but I think I'm right there in the middle. What a fun game!

  51. Feisal Kamil says:

    +Jenn Kirkland you need to download the original, then open the image in an image viewer (or a browser works too)

  52. Scott Cramer says:

    +Jenn Kirkland Correct! To the right side of the plus sign. 30, 42 πŸ™‚

  53. Keith Cramer says:

    Grumble.. Ok, I've found ALL of the Star Wars images, the Tardis and Dalek, two Jeeps, Several VWs, more monkeys than I would want to shake a stick at, at least 30 or 40 people I know… BUT, I STILL cannot find my own pic!

    I just checked my calendar, and it really is January 1st, not April 1st, so I'm going to rule out an April Fools joke. You're about to get a phone call from me bro.

    I avoided a headache from last night, but I'm heading for the Tylenol now!

  54. Scott Cramer says:

    +Keith Cramer I had never even considered punking you by excluding your picture and telling you it was in there! That would have been awesome. *evil laughter*

    p.s., You still have to find all the Doctors…

  55. Keith Cramer says:

    +Scott Cramer Same effect, except now I feel stupid too!

  56. Keith Cramer says:

    +Scott Cramer Rock on, you are the 20th post in "What's Hot" on G+. Proud brother moment!

  57. Jenn Kirkland says:

    Yay! It was the right one!

    I did download it and view it, but it was blurry that close up

  58. Carmelyne Thompson says:

    Great idea. Made me smile this morning. ;D

  59. Feisal Kamil says:

    I don;t know how you guys do it – I didn't even have a hangover to begin with

  60. Talha Fazlani says:

    This is excellent, creativity at its finest.

  61. Rae Ouzts says:

    awesome, now I have to add you to my circles so I can be included in the next one!

  62. Tejas Richard says:

    Too cool!

  63. Paul Terry Walhus says:


  64. Josh Armour says:

    someone tag me please

  65. Joe Martinez says:


  66. Carter Gibson says:

    Omg. I just tried for like…a minute to find myself. So hard! haha

  67. Daniel Enloe says:


  68. Derek Ross says:

    I saw you +Carter Gibson πŸ™‚ and you too +Daniel Enloe πŸ™‚

  69. Steve Phariss says:

    That is too kewl

  70. Rob Michael says:

    This is awesome— Damn my eyes re killing me.

  71. Dano Hart says:

    It's nice to have a vibrant color like green in your profile….also a scary close up of your eye….found mine right away. πŸ˜›

  72. Carter Gibson says:


  73. Joe Saad says:

    I'm not in this because we haven't met yet here, but this demonstrates just how amazing the G+ community is. What an awesome tribute to the people you've met here! Incredible! Thank you!

  74. Dan Leveille says:

    +Carter Gibson Found you!

  75. Jo Anne Thomas says:


  76. Kim Flowers says:



  77. Aaron Fuhrman says:

    I found me! πŸ˜‰

  78. Carter Gibson says:


  79. Dan Leveille says:

    Found me!

  80. Keith Cramer says:

    +Dan Leveille That was just plain mean. πŸ™‚

  81. Robert Yang says:

    i can't see me

  82. Hermine Ngnomire says:

    Thank you a million times over +Derek Ross for finding me. omg!

  83. Tiffany Henry says:

    +Dan Leveille thanks so much for finding +Carter Gibson ! I was trying for 30mins to find you and him!

  84. Scott Anderson says:

    So I've been looking for myself for some time now… +Tiffany Henry any help?

  85. Jeremy Hall says:

    my face is copyright protected

  86. Jesse Rubenfeld says:

    Glad to have a place in the plus! and no…I'm not trying to sound cool….I'm actually in the + symbol.

  87. Jo Anne Thomas says:

    +Tiffany Henry ty for finding me!

  88. Kjetil Greger Pedersen says:

    Very cool +Scott Cramer

  89. Michel Plungjan says:

    Sorry to be dense, how do I get a bigger resolution without using firebug? I can't even do ctrl-+ without G+ resizing it back down and they have buried the actual image

  90. Daniel Enloe says:

    Click options , download original

  91. Carmelyne Thompson says:

    +Michel Plungjan Yah G+ Albums broke cmd zoom on mac too.

  92. Carlo Guina says:

    Nice πŸ™‚

  93. Pam Adger says:

    Click on the image when you get a black screen go to the bottom left and click options then download full image and open in your picture viewer and you can zoom.

  94. Michel Plungjan says:

    +Daniel Enloe Doh! Thanks

  95. Carter Gibson says:

    where…..the fuck… i?

  96. Sonja Miller Williams says:

    Clever cool idea +Scott Cramer

  97. Pam Adger says:

    +Carter Gibson did u find u yet?

  98. Pam Adger says:

    3 up and 4 right of Rodney Pike to the left of the top part of the g

  99. Aaron Wood says:

    So the person would have to have added YOU to their circles to be included, correct?

  100. Keith Cramer says:

    +Aaron Wood "I downloaded a copy of the avatar for every user that I follow and every user that follows me to create this photo mosaic."

    "I downloaded all the images on 12/30. If you added me after that I apologize that your picture did not make it into the mosaic."

  101. Robert Headley says:

    You have +James Williams tagged as +Dave Meralus Different people.

  102. Hermine Ngnomire says:

    +Robert Headley LMAO – We don't all look the same! hahahaha

  103. Derek Ross says:

    I saw you too +Scott Anderson

  104. Aaron Wood says:

    +Keith Cramer, I read that, yes. He has a bunch of people in there that aren't following him back… that's why I was questioning those statements.

  105. George Greene says:

    where can see this full size can't tell if I am there or not lol Very cool poster.

  106. Daria Musk says:


  107. Daniel Enloe says:

    Printed out an 8×8 successfully and I can see 97% of the profile images clearly… the other 2-3% went to black… This was done with a color calibrated monitor and clalibrated printer… I printed at 12,000 pixels per inch… on Matte paper

    Very cool

  108. Robert Headley says:

    I was looking for my photo, and I found James, and he was tagged as Dave… I tried to tag myself, I am in the Serif on the G, but it wouldn't let me tag for some reason.

  109. Tom Rolfson says:

    Very cool!

  110. Derek Ross says:

    +Daria Musk my dear I believe I saw you near the bottom left middle.

  111. John Laine says:

    This is amazingly cool!! thank you for sharing your brilliant creativity with the rest of us.

    How did you download our avatars? There are so many things we can do with G+, and every day I learn something new. Brilliant πŸ™‚

  112. Keith Cramer says:

    +Aaron Wood Ah, I understand the confusion. They are two separate things. He added everyone he follows, and then he added everyone that follows him. One is not dependent on the other!

  113. Derek Ross says:

    +Tom Rolfson you're middle right near the edge if not on it if I remember correctly.

  114. Aaron Wood says:

    +Keith Cramer, thanks! πŸ™‚ I'll keep looking for my avatar then. πŸ™‚

  115. Robert Scoble says:

    Awesome, and I'm in there somewhere!

  116. Tiffany Henry says:

    +Scott Anderson I been found, and tagged you my dear fellow android geek! πŸ™‚

  117. Daria Musk says:

    Thanks +Scott Cramer for makinG+ this!! And big thanks +Tiffany Henry for findinG+ me! πŸ˜‰ Heehee! Hugs +Derek Ross for seeing me too! I'm marveling at the full-size version now. Waldo, you just lost a job dude. πŸ˜‰

  118. Scott Anderson says:

    +Derek Ross where is me? πŸ˜›

  119. Tiffany Henry says:

    +Robert Headley +DasRaciss !

  120. Daniel Enloe says:

    People… if you received a notification that you were tagged in this photo… (I tagged about 10 people) all you have to do is find your name on the right ~~ when viewing this image in the photo viewer and it will show where you have been circled/tagged..

    Thanks +Tiffany Henry for tagging me…<3

  121. Tiffany Henry says:

    +Daniel Enloe I need you to snail mail me a copy of that 8×8. kthxmwa! πŸ˜€

  122. Derek Ross says:

    I honest don't remember +Scott Anderson . I saw probably 100 people I k ew after tagging 20 or so I realized I may be stealing others fin and stopped. I was also getting quite pissed I found everyone I knew but me lol. If I had to guess…I'd say bottom right. I'm mobile now so I can't check. Goodnight!

  123. Tiffany Henry says:

    +Derek Ross I tagged +Daria Musk πŸ™‚

  124. Dan Leveille says:

    +Tiffany Henry Snail mail!? Get with the times! Faxing it would be much faster! πŸ˜›

  125. Amanda Blain says:

    I figured i'd have an easy photo to spot.. being bright pink and all…. NOT SO MUCH… but.. i found it eventually πŸ™‚ Super awesome New year to you too!

  126. Tiffany Henry says:

    +Dan Leveille wtf? Fax?! LMAO! :p
    +Daniel Enloe I want it framed too and by the end of the week…yesterday :p

  127. Jo Anne Thomas says:

    7 up on right and seven in is +Ayoub Khote ?? I can't tag… Can some check

  128. Sean Cowen says:

    +Tiffany Henry You are a Gold Medal winner on Google+ and you're awesomeness knows no bounds. I appreciate the share on this. And THIS project (and the challenge) is exactly why I love this UI and will stay exclusively here. +Scott Cramer is our new ZEUS!

  129. Nancy Clifford says:

    Incredible!! Took me awhile… πŸ™‚

  130. Jo Anne Thomas says:

    Who else is on the hunt?

  131. Daniel Enloe says:

    So… I'm guessing only 99 tags per image……..?

  132. Scott Anderson says:

    +Daniel Enloe Was just thinking that. I guess so πŸ™ Google+ needs to get the hint πŸ™‚

    Although that feature could be abused pretty quickly…

  133. Jo Anne Thomas says:


  134. Lee Allison says:

    Being tagged makes finding yourself much easier.

    Sounds like some zen-light wisdom for 2012!

  135. Jacob Dix says:

    Aparently I am somewhere in there. Cool. I don't suppose anybody's gonna give me that knowledge for free πŸ™

  136. Pam Adger says:

    I had to look for myself but for a small fee +Jacob Dix I will locate you…..

  137. Jacob Dix says:

    I once was lost but now I'm found. Cool graphic.

  138. Jo Anne Thomas says:

    +Jacob Dix u found pic?

  139. Pam Adger says:

    first row down on left 2/3 of the way down. +Jacob Dix

  140. Jo Anne Thomas says:


  141. Jo Anne Thomas says:

    Lol xoxo

  142. Jacob Dix says:

    I'm amazed by the effort you must've put into this +Scott Cramer ! It's highly symbolic of the G+ community.

  143. Jo Anne Thomas says:

    We r G+ family…

  144. Jo Anne Thomas says:

    +Scott Cramer what a wonderful G+ surprise!!! Thank you so much!!

  145. Jo Anne Thomas says:

    Can the G+ family be possibly be… Something that would motivate this Economy??? Long stretch?!?

  146. Malte Philipp Armbruster says:

    Weeeee!! πŸ™‚

  147. Dolidh Young says:

    Weee! That's a project and a half!! Well done!

  148. Malte Philipp Armbruster says:

    +Hermine Ngnomire <3 * ? for finding me!

  149. Erica Lucarotti says:

    i found +Tiffany Henry ! But alas, cannot figure out how to tag her. Maybe I'm only supposed to tag myself.

  150. Jo Anne Thomas says:

    Lol..+erica lucarotti it only let's you tag 99 ppl.

  151. Erica Lucarotti says:

    oh! πŸ˜€

  152. Jacob Dix says:

    And +Tiffany Henry tagged others before she tagged herself. πŸ˜‰

  153. Jo Anne Thomas says:

    Which only goes to show

  154. Jo Anne Thomas says:

    Stellar G+ Role Model = +Tiffany Henry

  155. Robert Anderson says:

    Suck it Facebook!

  156. Maximilian Majewski says:

    Great job. Unfortunately I can't tag myself. I keep getting an error πŸ™

  157. Jake Croston says:

    Awesome Job!

  158. Evan Leonardus says:

    where's me? -,-

  159. Ayoub Khote says:

    +Jo Anne Thomas – 12 down on the left and one in is me πŸ™‚

  160. Andy Stuart says:

    Very creative +Scott Cramer well done

  161. Thomas Hawk says:

    hey, that's cool!

  162. Mike Searle says:

    This is epic!

  163. Daniel Fontaine says:

    Awesome +Scott Cramer! Very nice work.

  164. Paul Roustan says:

    Very cool!

  165. Jo Anne Thomas says:

    +Scott Cramer +Paul Roustan is impressed!!! Now that's good work!!! πŸ™‚

  166. Karim Phillips says:

    +Scott Cramer I like mosaic creations, but this is just flat out AMAZING. If this ultimate creation does not make the "what's hot on Google+", then I am going to be hot. A big thank you from your G+ family.

  167. Paul Roustan says:

    +Jo Anne Thomas πŸ˜›

  168. Karim Phillips says:

    +Daniel Enloe I would like an 8×8 also, so let me know how to go about obtaining one. +Tiffany Henry thanks for finding and tagging me. It made it easy for me to find myself.

  169. Kristina Johansson says:

    good ide

  170. Jo Anne Thomas says:

    +Paul Roustan don't make me flag/report you again!!! Lol πŸ˜›

  171. Scott Cramer says:

    +Dano Hart You are so right! There was not a lot of green profile images so they ended up grouped together at the top.

    +Carter Gibson I apologize for how much I chuckled at your frustration! Not intentional, promise! I did the same thing to my brother +Keith Cramer. He had an advantage, though, in that he finally just called me! πŸ˜‰

    +Joe Saad Will definitely include 'ya next time. Thanks for the kudos!

    +Robert Yang +Evan Leonardus Did you find you? If you were following me prior to 12/30/2011 at 2pm, I should have your image in there!

    +Jeremy Hall Uh-oh! I didn't (c)ee that on your image! PM royalty bill. πŸ˜‰ I already owe +Kari Tedrick baked goods! Bakers hat on tonight, lol.

  172. Scott Cramer says:

    To everyone — thanks so much for the positive comments. I'm really glad you all had fun with it. πŸ™‚ All my notifications come through to my phone and you blew it up last night from about 1a to 3a! +Keith Cramer even called and woke me up to make fun of me for blowing up his notifications. Oops.

    It's this kind of interaction that makes it all worthwhile! Thanks to all of YOU!

  173. Ryan Crowe says:

    +Scott Cramer – this is fantastic!

  174. Karim Phillips says:

    +Scott Cramer I had a feeling that something like this was going to happen, so I went GREEN SCREEN. lol

  175. Dolidh Young says:

    +Scott Cramer? Would you be able to put this up on a server somewhere for people to be able to view it on a bigger scale? It's be a brilliant poster or desktop background.

    If you're having trouble finding somewhere, I could see about hosting it for a bit.

  176. Ryan Crowe says:

    +Dolidh Young is the best. (let'shangoutsoon,ok?)

  177. Derek Ross says:

    You can already download the full version…. directly from Google+ ………… +Ryan Crowe +Dolidh Young

  178. Dolidh Young says:

    ^_^ Thanks +Ryan Crowe – (any excuse to hangout!)

  179. Garner Marshall says:

    Thanks +Scott Cramer

  180. Cora Triton says:

    This is so incredible cool – and I found me :-)! Thank you for the wonderful idea!

  181. Scott Cramer says:

    +Karim Phillips Psychic! πŸ˜‰

  182. Christie Cannon says:

    +Scott Cramer this is the coolest thing ever! And I'm so honored — I found myself right there next to +Robert Scoble!

  183. Derek Ross says:


  184. Keith Cramer says:

    +Scott Cramer outed me. I found almost all of the other challenge images, but still couldn't find mine. I called him up and was just short of threatening his life when he gave me a pretty good hint. "Look in the fifth column from the right." He refused to give me the row. πŸ™

    Then he laughed at me, then he laughed some more. Don't let +Scott Cramer fool you. He did this because he's evil! πŸ™‚

  185. Keith Cramer says:

    +Derek Ross Shhh, don't tell anyone.

  186. Christie Cannon says:

    +Scott Anderson did you ever find yourself? If not, try second row from the right, 7th image from the bottom.

  187. byron rempel says:

    thats pretty damn cool – thanks for making me a part of this πŸ™‚

  188. Lotus Carroll says:

    So awesome! I'm dorktastically pleased to be in the +. πŸ™‚ Thanks, +Scott Cramer!

  189. Lotus Carroll says:

    Thanks for tagging me, +Tiffany Henry! (TWSS) πŸ˜‰ xo

  190. Scott Cramer says:

    +Keith Cramer I know where your desk is at. πŸ˜‰

  191. Scott Cramer says:

    +Derek Ross Yup. I claim him as brother and, the last decade+ business partner. It's been a blessing to work together and get along so well. Now, if we lived together, we'd still kill each other. It's in the brother contract. πŸ˜‰

  192. Tiffany Henry says:

    You're welcome +Lotus Carroll! I'll tag u anytime! +That's What She Said! LOL And +Erica Lucarotti I already found and tagged myself, thanks dearie! :-*

  193. Tiffany Henry says:

    +Christie Cannon I found +Scott Anderson and tagged him many moons ago. I think he was just trolling us all >.<

  194. Tiffany Henry says:

    +Jeremy Hall if your face is soooo copyright protected, how'd I manage to tag u then? huh? huh? huh? :p

  195. Christie Cannon says:

    Ah, well done +Tiffany Henry!

  196. Mike Kathy Stefanik says:


  197. Scott Cramer says:

    +Tiffany Henry The (C) tattoo on his forehead is only visible under black light. πŸ˜‰

  198. Lee Allison says:

    +Scott Cramer I don't want to know how you learned that about +Jeremy Hall. /scared

  199. Eric Martindale says:

    +Daniel Enloe yeah, I can just hear the engineer conversation in my head. "We don't need to store any more data for this field, no one will ever have more than 99 people in a photo!"

  200. Patrik Johansson says:

    I found my photo (thanks!:) but I get an "oops, an error occurred" every time I try to tag myself. But I'm here: 15 down and 6 from the right (I think).

  201. Scott Cramer says:

    +Eric Martindale Ooops. πŸ˜‰

  202. Jo Anne Thomas says:

    +Patrik Johansson does it give you the code "404"?

  203. Jo Anne Thomas says:

    sometimes you have to squint!!

  204. Carter Gibson says:

    I STILL CAN'T FIND IT! hahaha

  205. Jo Anne Thomas says:

    let me blow it up

  206. Brandi Bull says:

    +Carter Gibson look via mobile. (Sounds backwards, I know) I found myself within seconds that way and now I can barely see myself on a laptop.

  207. Scott Anderson says:

    +Carter Gibson U mad BRO!?!

  208. Carter Gibson says:

    Haha, I feel like such a failure. :[ lol

  209. Tiffany Henry says:

    +Scott Cramer LMAO!

  210. Tiffany Henry says:

    Really +Scott Anderson?
    +Carter Gibson +You Mad Bro?

  211. Scott Anderson says:

    +Tiffany Henry JOKES <3

  212. Tiffany Henry says:

    +Scott Anderson I know hunny I was just wondering why you didn't tag the page! :p

    +Carter Gibson you assed out bro. I don't know which picture he used, if it was your Santa one, or this one.

  213. Carter Gibson says:

    ….I "assed?" lol

  214. Jo Anne Thomas says:

    Carter u r on the left of the g

  215. Jo Anne Thomas says:

    Top of G, then go to the left

  216. Scott Anderson says:

    +Tiffany Henry now U maD BRO!?!


  217. Jo Anne Thomas says:

    See it?

  218. Tiffany Henry says:

    +Carter Gibson I meant 'assed out.' πŸ™‚
    and +Jo Anne Thomas is right, you are to the left of the G next to that purple thing. It's giving me an error whenever I try to tag you though. I must have reached my tag limit πŸ™

  219. Tiffany Henry says:

    +Scott Anderson +Suck it, Trebek!

  220. Carter Gibson says:

    It's okay, i lost like 30 notifications today. No biggie.

  221. Eric Martindale says:

    +Carter Gibson …was it you I had that conversation with? About how they managed to make a terrible notification system worse?

  222. Dmitry Kozachenko says:

    Nice =)

  223. Carter Gibson says:

    If it was after midnight either night I can't say for sure, but if we talked about lag, then yes haha. It's like, oh! I see this! 4min later i get notified about it and lose all my mentions. Blah.

  224. Scott Cramer says:

    +Carter Gibson It's your current pic πŸ˜‰

  225. Carter Gibson says:

    I need to stop looking. Seriously. Like. I found +Amanda Blain in 2seconds. haha

  226. Derek Ross says:

    Dude. It's been 12 hours… YOU BAD. +Carter Gibson

  227. Daniel Enloe says:

    +Eric Martindale – "Surely not more than 99 recognizable faces!"

    Give G+ an opportunity and we will find a way… Great stuff +Scott Cramer

  228. matthew rappaport says:

    I've been found . . thank to the #taggahenry +Tiffany Henry!

  229. Robert Ferrell says:


  230. Jo Anne Thomas says:

    lmfao @taggahenry

  231. Scott Cramer says:

    +Carter Gibson I felt bad about what I put you through. I made a special mosaic just for you. πŸ˜‰

  232. Carter Gibson says:

    Bwahahaha! <3 +Scott Cramer

  233. Sarah Hill says:

    cool stuff…. don't see myself. My eyesight is too bad! LOL

  234. Daniel Enloe says:

    +Sarah Hill you are on the lower left… close to Paul Roustan… all you have to do is click on the image.. look over on the right and scroll til you see your name in all those tags… it will highlight you… (I tagged you that's how I know).

  235. Mark Rodriguez says:

    found myself without cheating…didn't do the other 2 challenges

  236. Gabriel Vasile says:

    It seems like someone else founded and tagged me.

  237. Marcus Holloway says:

    I am in there with an older photo. It always gives, "oops, an error occurred". My photo is about 5 NW of g

  238. Jo Anne Thomas says:

    only allows 99 tags…

  239. Marcus Holloway says:

    If you can find Wil Wheaten (, I am diagonal right down 1.

  240. Shefali Burns says:

    I had help from +Robert Redl to find my picture,lol, thanks for including me πŸ™‚

  241. Elaine Lindsay says:

    Scott you frickin' rock!!

  242. Wabwabit Amun says:


  243. Scott Cramer says:

    As promised around comment 28 or so, +Kari Tedrick your baked goods are shipping out tomorrow! πŸ˜‰ See a preview here (he says, munching on a cookie and drinking milk):

  244. Kari Tedrick says:

    +Lotus Carroll +100 for my new favorite word. Dorktastically!

  245. Scott Wakeman says:

    Thanks +Scott Cramer πŸ™‚

  246. Chris Goldstine says:

    Brilliant! I thought you might need more pink in your next image, so here I am.

  247. Scott Cramer says:

    +Chris Goldstine Not to mention, I don't think I have a self professed "Beekeeper, anonymous troublemaker, computer geek, cat herder and part time gardener." How could I not add you? πŸ˜‰

  248. Lise Bjerregaard Nielsen says:

    Oh, wow – this is so cool! :O
    Great job!

    I want to try to locate myself, but the task seems more that a little daunting to me right now, with no coffee in my system! πŸ˜‰

  249. Jacopo Monti says:

    +Scott Cramer You included and tagged me! Thank you so much!

  250. check li says:


  251. dwi Rianto says:

    I like the idea πŸ™‚

  252. TEMESSEK Houssem Eddine says:

    +ca bouge bien

  253. TEMESSEK Houssem Eddine says:

    et moi ou' suis je ??

  254. ?? ??????? says:

    Wooow… Happy new year

  255. Claudia LeΓ³n Ch. says:

    Woooooow! Supperb! Really great job!!!

  256. Randy W. Weeks says:

    That is really very, very cool!

  257. Ivan Altamirano says:

    It's wonderfull. I like it. How did you do that?

  258. Vishnu Suresh says:

    This is just way too cool.

  259. Mike Jeide says:


  260. Jotesh Kamble says:


  261. Jean Charles Salvin says:


  262. Lisa Crosby says:

    LOVE THIS! What a fantastic idea! I have to ask, pardon my ignorance, but how did you do this?!?!? Is there a program that helped you????

  263. Scott Cramer says:

    +Ivan Altamirano +Lisa Ding Thanks for the kudos. πŸ™‚ The hardest part was getting all the avatar images. Short of programming something with the API, I could not find a way to grab them all without visiting each profile which would have taken me about 10 hours solid. Then, I figured out to clear the browser cache and capture all the images in the cache by looking at all my circles via my profile. After that I was able to copy the images from cache and put them all together. There are a number of different software programs available to assist with the mosaic but you need to tweak them to get just what you want. After about the first half dozen tries I got it to look like what I envisioned — and then added some challenges with looking for the Doctor Who and Star Wars images. I never expected the level of feedback that I received, but the reception I got is exactly why I wanted to make something like this in the first place. πŸ™‚

  264. Jeff Nussbaum says:

    Great pic can I get a copy

  265. Tiffany Henry says:

    +Jeff Nussbaum click on the photo, go to options, select "download full size" πŸ™‚

  266. Scott Cramer says:

    +Tiffany Henry You beat me to it πŸ˜‰

  267. Tiffany Henry says:

    +Scott Cramer it WAS said like 20 times in this thread already but I figured ah what's one more time LOL

  268. Scott Cramer says:

    +Tiffany Henry Nod, I do the same πŸ™‚ Appreciate you taking the time also. I feel remiss in not saving some cookies for you and +Jo Anne Thomas who I see in the comment thread helping a lot πŸ˜‰

  269. Tiffany Henry says:

    +Scott Cramer you had cookies and did not share? πŸ™


  270. Jo Anne Thomas says:

    What she said!! No sushi for him!!

  271. Scott Cramer says:

    +Kari Tedrick Won some in a little bet πŸ˜‰ +Tiffany Henry and +Jo Anne Thomas officially on the next bake and send list.

  272. Mirel Opris says:


  273. James Geist says:


  274. Kerby Rosanes says:

    this is the coolest image I've ever seen in G+ so far this 2012. Well done +Scott Cramer ! πŸ™‚

  275. Rod Borghese says:

    Found me using my cell phone…. Just zoomed in and in and there I was at the top right of the g.

  276. Scott Cramer says:

    +Rod Borghese Nice! Special kudos for using the cell phone!

  277. Victor Talha says:

    This is SO Cool! Totally awesomme! ,-)

  278. Rhonda Stewart says:

    you cho crazy.

  279. Scott Cramer says:

    So… Half way through January. Anyone reading this want the locations of the Star Wars and Doctor Who images? lol If so, let me know and I'll make the coordinates into something human readable. πŸ˜‰

  280. Paul Terry Walhus says:


  281. Scott Cramer says:

    +Paul Terry Walhus hehe, okay, a compiling I will go! Back in a bit!

  282. Hermine Ngnomire says:

    +Scott Cramer I do!! Some of my favs…

  283. Tiffany Henry says:

    +Scott Cramer me too!

  284. Billy Wilson says:

    Cool +Scott Cramer !

  285. Scott Cramer says:

    Wow. That took longer than expected. πŸ˜‰ For those interested, however, the answer key, including a new image with the locations overlaid on the original mosaic, can be found in a new post here:

  286. Elaine Lindsay says:

    +Scott Cramer Hells yeah!! and I'm sure +Dolidh Young and +Peter DeMarco will too!

  287. Salvio Giglio says:


  288. Ricardo Buchanan says:


  289. Azhar Ali Azhar says:


  290. Scott Cramer says:

    +Azhar Ali Azhar ??

  291. Keith Cramer says:

    +Scott Cramer +Azhar Ali Azhar Hey, at least he's an optimist. He could have said "lookly.empty"

Comments are closed.