My Brother's Adventures in Dry Ice — Part Two

Once again, I present my brother +Keith Cramer and can vouch for his inability to get a truck to transport the dry ice. Also, the included picture does not show the appropriate amount of blue tint to his skin color. 😉

Visit his original post for the comments; they made me chuckle. One last circle 'ho, but if you have me in your circles and not Keith, you should add him — while he is still on this plane of existence and not frozen into oblivion.

Reshared post from +Keith Cramer

Is there is a Guinness record for the most dry ice loaded into a 1999 Ford Contour? I think I may qualify! 1300 lbs loaded in the trunk, back seat, and passengers seat.

A couple points to remember if you want to top my record.
1. Dress warm, it gets darn cold in a car full of dry ice. I felt like a frozen side of beef by time I made it to the office.
2. Roll down the windows to avoid death from carbon dioxide asphyxiation. FYI, This is kind of important step.

In album 2011-12-18 Dry Ice Record (6 photos)

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3 Responses to My Brother's Adventures in Dry Ice — Part Two

  1. Keith Cramer says:

    I think 1300 lbs is going to have to be a one time only trick. If I added anymore I fear that I'd be scraping my exhaust on the pavement. Bad idea.

  2. Bearman Cartoons says:

    +Keith Cramer You do look a bit blue.

  3. Keith Cramer says:

    +Bearman Cartoons heh. Yeah, it was actually warmer outside my car than inside! That's not supposed to happen in the middle of winter!

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