My Dream Pantry

Because. +Kyla Myers. Lol


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75 Responses to My Dream Pantry

  1. Dan Wilcox says:

    Can't go wrong with pop tarts.

  2. Tazein Mirza Saad says:

    Great! +Scott Cramer

  3. Dan Wilcox says:

    Now I want pop tarts

  4. Carrie Canup says:

    It is I, King of Toaster Pastry!

  5. Matt Ingrouille says:

    Great pic

  6. Tara Mulder says:

    Huh.  Guess you like poptarts.

    BTW Scott, your nipples are looking unhealthily orange.  And large.

  7. Eric Johnson says:


  8. Christopher Vallo says:

    Pop Dat Tart! Snap it! Nom 'em!

  9. Scott Cramer says:

    +Tara Mulder I was, like, huh?! I had to go back and check the pic; was worried I had a wardrobe malfunction! Lol

    +Carrie Canup FTW! King of Toaster Pastry so declareth!

  10. Kyla Myers says:

    I <3 you and you pop-tart addiction.

  11. Chris Mallory says:

    Scott: favorite pop-tart flavor?

    Remember, there is only one right answer.

  12. Scott Cramer says:

    +Chris Mallory Oh my… It changes! Ultimate favorite is… Raspberry! Close second is cherry.

  13. Scott Cramer says:

    I'm a berry guy.

  14. Eric Johnson says:

    me too!

  15. Carrie Canup says:

    We've heard that about you +Scott Cramer

  16. Chris Mallory says:

    omg … raspberry was actually the correct answer o.o I LOVE raspberries.

    Congratulations… you are officially a man of good taste.

  17. Dan Wilcox says:

    Cherry, raspberry or strawberry flavored ones are my favorites.

  18. Eric Johnson says:

    blueberry is good  too

  19. Carrie Canup says:

    OH +Chris Mallory is a raspberry freak as well….

    I plan on doing raspberry dessert food soon!

  20. Scott Cramer says:

    I <3 u all! You are all hereby dubbed Knights of the Tart! Heh… That makes a couple of you Tart^2. You know who you are. 😉 So bequeaths the King of Toaster Pastries. I need a sword. Definitely some kind of sword.

  21. Carrie Canup says:

    I'm sorry, I've already been dubbed Mistress of Nomuendo, Kitchen Witch!

  22. Scott Cramer says:

    King > Witch.

    Sprays you with water.

  23. Mar Mai says:

    You look delicious!! Heheh hohoho go!!!

  24. Carrie Canup says:

    Thats a misconception +Scott Cramer

  25. Scott Cramer says:

    Either way. Cues +Damian Sanchez to start the water on the fire hose! 😉

  26. Carrie Canup says:

    Quite alright, I can tread water!

  27. Damian Sanchez says:

    Turning the big ol' fireman wrench and openibg up the fire hydrant…

    Hold on tight, here it comes, +Scott Cramer !!!

    Oh, and for the record, I love strawberry Pop Tarts! Now, has anyone seen lately strawberry Pop Tarts without frosting? I remember those from when I was growing up and they were da bomb!!!

  28. Scott Cramer says:

    +Damian Sanchez Love the without frosting sometimes! I remember the strawberry without but have not seen in ages!

  29. Damian Sanchez says:

    I thought I was the only one that couldn't find Pop Tarts without frosting.

    I would eat frosting-less tarts for breakfast/lunch/dinner every day of the week and twice on Sundays!

  30. Carrie Canup says:

    with butter on the top…mmmm….

  31. Scott Cramer says:

    Never tried with butter…

  32. Damian Sanchez says:

    Say what, +Carrie Canup ?

    Perish that thought! The best tart is unadulterated, lightly toasted, and accompanied by a tall, cold glass of milk!

  33. Carrie Canup says:

    When its warm…and it gets all melty…

  34. Carrie Canup says:

    Incorrect +Damian Sanchez .  Medium toast, so that its starting to be crispy, and then the butter….nice salty butter….

  35. Scott Cramer says:

    +Damian Sanchez is now the Arch Duke of Tarts. So it is and will be.

  36. Damian Sanchez says:

    I kindly disagree +Carrie Canup …if the tart changes color while being toasted you've gone too far! And buyer…never tasted it, and I'd be willing to try it once, but I won't be easily swayed.

  37. Carrie Canup says:

    Then it isn't a toaster pastry if you dont toast it!  Gah!

  38. Scott Cramer says:

    Although nothing worse than burned poptart; especially the frosting!

  39. Damian Sanchez says:

    Just for the record, I also love untoasted tarts…and if they were unfrosted, even better!

  40. Carrie Canup says:

    I'll only eat untoasted if unfrosted.

    You are correct Cramer.  Nothing worse than a burned tart…

  41. Damian Sanchez says:

    <—— Duke, duke, duke, duke of tarts, tarts, tarts, duke of tarts, tarts, tarts, duke of tarts, tarts, tarts… 🙂

  42. Scott Cramer says:

    +Damian Sanchez You gotta try the new crisps. They come in strawberry, blueberry, and chocolate.

  43. Damian Sanchez says:

    What is this abomination you speak of, +Scott Cramerhealthy pop tarts? Bet they taste like strawberry flavored cardboard, amirite?

  44. Damian Sanchez says:

    +Carrie Canup speaks the truth…unfrosted=untoasted yumminess!

  45. Scott Cramer says:

    They only healthy cuz they little. 😉

  46. Damian Sanchez says:

    So what's the point then, if you have to eat more of them to feel fulfilled? ( I can see myself eating a couple of packages just to feel like I had just one regular tart! )

  47. Dirk Reul says:

    I don't even.. again, never tried one.. and now I am slightly afraid..

  48. Halfdan Reschat says:

    I tasted a bite of one of those Pop-tart-thingies you sent me, +Scott Cramer; and I say "a bite" since I quite frankly despised them and couldn't eat whole one.

  49. Dirk Reul says:

    different countries, different tastes. I am often surprised just how much the foods we enjoy in our respective countries differ from the ones you can get in other countries. 🙂

  50. Damian Sanchez says:

    +Dirk Reul the regular Pop Tarts IMHO are deeeeeelish!!! If you can get your hands on some of them I highly recommend them.  Shame +Halfdan Reschat didn't like them, but I totally respect his taste as I'm sure there's something that is totally yummers to him in his neck of the woods that would not be palatable to me.

  51. Dirk Reul says:

    I will try most things at least once, +Damian Sanchez 🙂 
    goes to look for sources

    ehm, which flavour?

  52. Damian Sanchez says:

    Start with strawberry, methinks.

  53. Dirk Reul says:

    Well then.. off to hunt..

  54. Carrie Canup says:

    You need to toast it brown then add butter, no frosting….

  55. Dirk Reul says:

    On strawberry?

  56. Carrie Canup says:


  57. Dirk Reul says:

    How are my chances of receiving second degree burns from it?

  58. Carrie Canup says:

    I wait until the butter seeps into the pastry….then tentatively nibble…blowing on occasion…take your time….

  59. Dirk Reul says:

    Ah so the secret is not to simply gobble
    It all up

  60. Carrie Canup says:

    Nope….can't rush the beauty of the gooey innards.

  61. Scott Cramer says:

    I will commit to sending you a selection, +Dirk Reul. 🙂

  62. Scott Cramer says:

    Tag +Kyla Myers

  63. Dirk Reul says:

    Awwww thank you, Scott 🙂

  64. Scott Cramer says:

    I see you lurking +Nunzia Nullo! A little birdie told me you just got a new pantry and the house to go with it! Congrats!

  65. Kyla Myers says:

    I never thought to butter them, Carrie!

    Dirk, they can be like molten lava if you're not careful. Brown sugar and cinnamon are my favorite. There is also s'mores with chocolate and marshmallow.

  66. Carrie Canup says:

    S'mores are my favorite frosted version

  67. Dirk Reul says:

    Just how sweet are they? 🙂

    Thank you for the warning, Kyla

  68. Carrie Canup says:

    The frosted are sweet. Unfrosted aren't that sweet….

  69. Dirk Reul says:

    Noted 🙂

  70. Kyla Myers says:

    You send the berry flavours and I'll send the others, Scott.

  71. Scott Cramer says:

    We shall coordinate! 😉

  72. Dirk Reul says:

    I love you guys ! Oh and I found a card in my mailbox that I can pick up something from the US on Monday, two things actually 🙂

  73. Scott Cramer says:


  74. Halfdan Reschat says:

    Horns spotted!

  75. Nunzia Nullo says:

    thanks dear +Scott Cramer

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