My Little Pony Portal

Awesome collaboration between artists in different countries! 😉

From the link:
DeviantArtist M99moron lives in Germany and collaborated with DeviantArtist ShinodaGE in Argentina to create this art. The two used Photoshop to create the posters and then stuck them in place to create the finished image. The photos were even taken on the same day and show what you would actually see if you looked through from each side.

Tag +Mary C. 

#mylittlepony #portal  

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8 Responses to My Little Pony Portal

  1. Kyla Myers says:

    Heh. I pinged Mary on that one recently.

  2. Mary C. says:

    +Kyla Myers beat ya to it +Scott Cramer! Still… anything Portal AND MLP:FIM related is worth looking at over and over again!! 😀

  3. Scott Cramer says:

    Oops! Sorry guys! If I saw it before, it slipped my memory.

    Hey, you know what would be cool? Portal contacts!

  4. Mary C. says:

    Contacts as in the ones you stick in your eyes? O_O

  5. Scott Cramer says:


  6. Mary C. says:


    That'd be Cah-raaaaaay-zee, but awesome at the same time!

  7. Scott Cramer says:

    Here… you put in this contact… now, I'll put in this contact… and… voila!

    Well… okay, there might be times where you will need to shut your eye, of course. But otherwise, awesome!

  8. Chad Wilson says:

    Very creative.

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