My new favorite letter to new followers

Got +Amanda Rachelle Warren? No?! Get on it!!!

Oh, and she loves you to introduce yourself with pictures of your cats, or a clown. Or a cat in a clown costume — that would be perfect. {much evil laughter}

Reshared post from +Amanda Rachelle Warren

Dear new people,

I will let what my husband just said about me serve as an introduction. And since it is in quotes I won't even feel bad about saying it. He said, "Why would anyone read stuff you write? You are one uncouth motherfucker."

And then I told him I wasn't. Because I'm not…not here anyway. Only I said it in a really uncouth and profanity-filled way which I refuse to transcribe here on the grounds that it will make me seem like a jerk.

So he said, "you don't cuss on G+? You're nothing but a liar. They don't even know the real you."

I told him to "shut his hoggy fucking mouth before I kicked his dad in the dickhole." And we laughed. Really loudly. And that, friends, is how I talk at home. I promise not to write that sort of thing here. And I assure you, I am perhaps overly myself on G+. I forget there's like 3,000 people reading this…oops, so all my foibles, idiocies and nerdiness is exposed for the world.

Welcome to me…let the uncircling begin!

Those of you who decide to stick around, introduce yourselves. Are you a writer? A tech or science-type? Are you a teacher? Are you a weirdo? An angry poor person? An artist? How do you feel about pie? Do you post nothing but cat jpgs and gifs? Are you a professional clown?

In the interest of full disclosure, I don't care for your cat (yes, yours…I do not care for it), and I have coulerophobia (fear of clowns). So, if you are those last two things, please let me know so I can avoid you at all costs.

Have a great Friday. I look forward to meeting all of you in the Gsphere!

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12 Responses to My new favorite letter to new followers

  1. Matthew Baker says:

    he he!

    Got her in a circle earlier today. 🙂

  2. Dave Parker says:

    "Dickhole" lol

  3. UptownGal says:

    Hi! My blog DB got corrupted & all my themes are broken. I’m desperately trying to find the K2 vader style theme. Would you happen to have all the files please? If you do, is there anywhere I could get them from you please?

  4. KarlaSue Dugger says:

    Hehe haha

  5. Jim Gomes says:

    I went for the cat in clown costume.
    Edit: Ha ha! Just saw your recommendation to do the same thing. (Didn't fully expand your post before I clicked over to her stream.) Twisted minds think alike.

  6. Keith Cramer says:

    I think I love +Amanda Rachelle Warren even more now! I'm going to her stream right now to tell her. I laughed my bloody arse off reading this!

  7. Amanda Rachelle Warren says:

    Wow, I woke up to this. Hahhaha! Maybe I do need to start an "honesty" circle wherein I just rant my pants off?

  8. Jim Gomes says:

    Now I have this image of pantless ranting.

  9. Keith Cramer says:

    +Amanda Rachelle Warren Having your pants off is an entirely different circle. 🙂

  10. Amanda Rachelle Warren says:

    I was just pantsless ranting in a hangout moments ago. Luckily, like newscasters, no one knows what's going on below the desk.

  11. Keith Cramer says:

    +Amanda Rachelle Warren again, my hero.

  12. Scott Cramer says:

    +Amanda Rachelle Warren Sounds like I have another Photoshop project to do. {evil laughter}

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