Daughter and I spotted a half dozen balloons launching when we were on the way home last night. This pic was snapped from my driveway right after we pulled in. Remember old sci-fi movies where they had an over abundance of dirigibles and flying ships in the air to show it was the future? Well, I think we need more balloons when we look up. Dirigibles would be awesome, but I would definitely settle for balloons. One caveat, no advertising! Jeez. Does RE/MAX real estate own a balloon company, or what? 😉
Pic snapped with my LG G2 and enhanced by G+ photos.
#hotairballoon  #hotairballooningphotography  #cellphonephotography  ?Need More Balloons
Daughter and I spotted a half dozen balloons launching when we were on the way home last night. This pic was snapped from my driveway right after we pulled in. Remember old sci-fi movies where they had an over abundance of dirigibles and flying ships in the air to show it was the future? Well, I think we need more balloons when we look up. Dirigibles would be awesome, but I would definitely settle for balloons. One caveat, no advertising! Jeez. Does RE/MAX real estate own a balloon company, or what? 😉
Pic snapped with my LG G2 and enhanced by G+ photos.
#hotairballoon  #hotairballooningphotography  #cellphonephotography Â
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