Need Your Suggestions! Low Budget Scene Reenactment Weekend

So I asked +Keith Cramer what he was up to this weekend and I told him I had something I wanted him to help me out with. Suggest a scene from television or movies and with whatever props we have on-hand and minimal time and planning, we will attempt to do a photo reenactment of the scene. Keith should really ask more questions before saying yes. Oh, I also volunteered (in absentia) +Lori Cramer and +Kristi Fahlsing to help.

We will attempt as many as we can. Please keep the scenes PG-13. Pics will be posted after the weekend. 😉

EDIT: We were originally thinking stills… but it is apparent we may need to do video clips to truly do silly justice to this concept.

#cramerbrothers   #sillyness  #lowbudgetscenereenactment  

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145 Responses to Need Your Suggestions! Low Budget Scene Reenactment Weekend

  1. Matt Tuomala says:

    When the asteroid slams into Paris, in Armageddon

  2. Rae Ouzts says:

    any scene in Pulp Fiction, maybe the car scene!

  3. Matt Ingrouille says:

    Raiders Of The Lost Ark.
    Big ball chasing Indy scene or the part where he steals the Idol.

  4. Dennis McCaie says:

    Christopher Walken as Vincent Coccotti in True Romance talking to Dennis Hoper as Clifford Worley. Specifically this line: 
    Coccotti: "I'm the Anti-Christ. You got me in a vendetta kind of mood. You tell the angels in heaven you never seen evil so singularly personified as you did in the face of the man who killed you. My name is Vincent Coccotti. I work as counsel for Mr. Blue Lou Boyle, the man your son stole from. I hear you were once a cop so I can assume you've heard of us before. Am I correct?"

  5. Matt Ingrouille says:

    I did this a while back on Instagram with my daughter, Violet. Never kept it up though:

  6. Ryan Prince says:

    The assault course in Full Metal Jacket, or the final scene in the maze in The Shining.

  7. Scott Cramer says:

    +Matt Ingrouille Those are cute! You should do more! Hm. We were thinking stills, but maybe video is going to have to happen. Cell cams and Ed Wood style of course.

  8. Wanda Howe says:

  9. Matt Ingrouille says:

    If you do video I think the key is to try and mimic the camera angles and cuts as much as possible. I think I may need more practice or wait until Violet is older. Hah.

  10. Joe Tomkiewicz says:

    The first scene that came to mind was the Phoebe Cates fantasy pool scene in Fast Times at Ridgemont High, but then I got to the end of the article and saw PG-13. So, how about the apes find the monolith from 2001?

  11. Scott Cramer says:

    Hm. +Keith Cramer and +Lori Cramer actually DO have an ape suit…….. 😉

  12. Matt Ingrouille says:

    Anything Star Wars is a must.

  13. Kyla Myers says:

  14. Chad Haney says:

    The diner scene in When Harry Met Sally. That's PG-13 right?

  15. Tony Miller says:

    Star Wars Ep I: Sith in the desert.
    Blazing Saddles: Candygram for Mongo!

  16. Chad Haney says:

    Anything from Top Secret.
    top secret! ballerini

  17. Jeremy Seifert says:

    Weekend at Bernies? That scene in Strange Brew when the brothers are trying to sell their scam about the mouse in the bottle?

  18. Scott Cramer says:

    Hehehe… I am overwhelmed and wondering what I have gotten us into. 😉

  19. Bearman Cartoons says:

    Eddie Murphy and Dan Akroyd from Trading Places with all the money in their hands
    I am your father scene from Star Wars
    Final fight scene from Karate Kid

  20. Robert Gibson II says:

    Hulk punching Thor.

  21. J. Hancock says:

    Fight Club… sitting on the curb punching yourself out.

  22. Thomas Price says:

    Brokeback Mountain.. Tent Scene… Let me give you a clip for reference too… 
    BrokeBack Love Scene

  23. Chad Wilson says:

    The Usual Suspects.  Verbal being interviewed by the cop.

  24. Amanda Rachelle Warren says:

    1. The last scene of An Officer and a Gentleman .
    3. Absolutely the Blazing Saddles scene!
    4. I Love Him So Much
    5. Fight scene with Crispin Glover "Get your hands off her." from Back to the Future
    6. Biblical Proportions

  25. Amanda Rachelle Warren says:

    Contact – "They should have sent a poet" (they should have sent a poet!!!)

  26. Patty Rose says:

    Donnie Brasco, the scene where Lefty questions him about the boat and is all "that's a federal boat". Or the one where Donnie is all "there was no rat (dumb—-) screwed up paying off the cops."

  27. Patty Rose says:

    Anything Mel Brooks. (Robin Hood comes to mind.)

  28. Scott Cramer says:

    These are great! Btw… You should have seen +Keith Cramer 's face when he saw himself as Walter White in tightie whities. 😉

    +Thomas Price Sick, sick man.

  29. Thomas Price says:

    YAY!  You do know that a call out is basically as good as a legally binding contract to perform.. so.. yes.. I'm very happy!  _Make it so, number one._

  30. Keith Cramer says:

    Yep, I didn't think you were getting me into this kind of trouble. I'll dig out the ape suit.

  31. Keith Cramer says:

    Never say "Not much" when +Scott Cramer asks what you are doing on the weekend.

  32. Oleg Moskalensky says:

    The Godfather – when Sonny gets shot.

  33. Jeremy Seifert says:

    oh, I like +Oleg Moskalensky 's idea a lot.

  34. Scott Cramer says:

    Going to be an interestingly busy weekend. 😉

  35. Dirk Reul says:

    Well well gleeful grin
    +Andrew Clifton-Brown get your ass over here! 

    1. Ghost – Unchained Melody
    2. "Luke, I Am Your Father"
    3. VideoQuote: The Princess Bride (Princess Bride)
    to name but three 🙂

  36. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    Right, I was pondering this Dirk!

    1. Phoneshop – Mr Wise

    2. Party Down – You're a Haircut

    3. Star Wars — Han and Leia kiss

  37. Dirk Reul says:

    ohh and they have all the equipment for 3. :p

  38. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    Devious minds scheme alike eh Dirk 😉

  39. Scott Cramer says:

    +Keith Cramer I think someone has found some kind of loophole in my plan…… 😉

  40. Dirk Reul says:

    You mean friends.. <_<
    No wait, devious minds is actually an apt description, carry on 🙂

  41. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    Ya reckon +Scott Cramer 😉
    Gone with the wind anyone? When Harry met Sally?

  42. Dirk Reul says:

    Casablanca, Airport scene? 
    300,  THIS IS SPARTA!

  43. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:


  44. Halfdan Reschat says:

    Any scene from any of the Bring It On movies; preferably one of the scenes where they use the word 'cheer' in the same excessive way as Smurfs use the word 'smurf.'

  45. Brigitte Wooten says:

    Dumb and Dumber.
    (Save Brokeback Mountain for someone special 😉

  46. Dirk Reul says:

    Cheers, +Halfdan Reschat ! Did you mean the British "Carry on" movies?

  47. Halfdan Reschat says:

    +Dirk Reul , I've never even heard about that. Is it worth checking out?

  48. Dirk Reul says:

    They are old British movies, I am not quite sure how they hold up today, but I enjoyed them as a kid. +Andrew Clifton-Brown what do you think?

  49. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    I loved them as a kid and still think of them fondly Dirk 🙂

  50. Dirk Reul says:

    Well then, Halfdan. I think you can still get them I might just watch them again 🙂

  51. Aashik Salahudeen says:

    Standoff : Good the bad the ugly.

  52. Scott Cramer says:

    I shall be spreadsheeting out scenarios later today and taking stock of what props are sitting about……. Unlike +Keith Cramer I do not have any ape suits in the bedroom… 😉

  53. Dirk Reul says:

    Yes, look how no one commented on that.. 
    Trading Places – Gorilla/Clown

  54. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    You could both play Hanna Montana!

  55. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    This will be an interesting weekend!

  56. Mellie B says:

    Rhett and Scarlet – Gone With The Wind

  57. Mellie B says:

    Nobody suggested Titanic? We already have a pic of Keith as Rose. But maybe the Kingoftheworld scene?

  58. Dirk Reul says:

    oh that is good..

  59. Jo Lane says:

    Seeing as Star Wars has already been covered, how about a Doctor Who scene? perhaps the infamous 'FishFingers & Custard' discovery in young Amy's kitchen? (I'll let you decide who gets to be The Doctor and who will be a little girl) ;P

  60. Mellie B says:


  61. Mellie B says:

    Monkey suit….. Isn't there a kissing scene in the original planet of the apes?

  62. Keith Cramer says:

    How many hours are there in a weekend… I think we may need to do a Tardis scene, just to get it done…

  63. Scott Blaydes says:

    The bathtub/ferret scene from The Big Lewbowski.

  64. Dirk Reul says:

    I wonder if +Scott Cramer and +Keith Cramer weekend start like this: 

    Pinky! Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering? p1

  65. Patty Rose says:

    That is exactly how it should begin +Dirk Reul !!

  66. Dirk Reul says:

    I will never see them in any other way now, +Patty Rose ! 

    Now, who is Pinky and who is Brain? 😉

  67. Halfdan Reschat says:

    +Dirk Reul, Pinky and Pinky?

  68. Dirk Reul says:

    I think you have a point there, Halfdan 😉

  69. Scott Cramer says:

    Umm… Hey… Wait a sec……!!!

  70. Dirk Reul says:

    Did I just render +Scott Cramer speechless? 😉

  71. Chad Wilson says:

    Ich ben nien noodlenoggin!

  72. Scott Cramer says:


  73. Knut Torgersen says:

    Car scene from Titanic…

  74. Chad Wilson says:

    Now that is just wrong…

  75. Scott Cramer says:

    +Knut Torgersen On so many levels, wrong.

  76. Knut Torgersen says:

    +Andrew Clifton-Brown Help!

  77. Knut Torgersen says:

    Actually, "Luke, I am your father!" was my original thought before seeing some other "creative" ones

  78. Chad Haney says:

    So Wong.

  79. Chad Haney says:

    If the Car scene is too racey, you could go prude and do an Amish scene from Witness.
    Witness (8/9) Movie CLIP – Rachel's Choice (1985) HD

  80. Scott Cramer says:

    Ha! Ok… We have more than we can handle. Only 3 "in the can so far". Keith had some prior commitments. Hoping to pound more out tonight and/or tomorrow. Getting the camera down (have a loaner) took a couple. 🙂

  81. Keith Cramer says:

    "3 in the can" sounds way to dirty bro. You can have that honor.

  82. Knut Torgersen says:

    No idea what 3 in the can might mean <_<

  83. Patty Rose says:

    …especially dirty sounding when followed with "Hoping to pound more out."

  84. Chad Wilson says:

    So, they did the Titanic car scene after all?

  85. Scott Cramer says:

    Geez guys. Poor choice of words on my part on previous comment! It is my brother, after all. Comment stream sanitized. Bathing in eye/brain bleach now.

  86. Mellie B says:


    The Internet Never Forgets

  87. Chad Haney says:

    Don't tell me you were surprised.

  88. Robert Gibson II says:

    Damn right +Mellie B

  89. Scott Cramer says:

    Not surprised at all! Plus… it was kind of my fault. LOL

  90. Chad Haney says:

    Just think what +Andrew Clifton-Brown, +Dirk Reul and +Luis Roca could do to twist those words around. I should have taken a screen cap to sell them. Oh well.

  91. Scott Cramer says:

    +Chad Haney HA! Plot foiled! 😉 We did a #cramerbrothers  version of two of the most non PG-13 suggestions in here just cuz we love you guys. But that's it. No spoilers.

  92. Scott Cramer says:

    Follow-up to suggestions…
    +Bearman Cartoons You said, "Eddie Murphy and Dan Akroyd from Trading Places with all the money in their hands." It's been a LONG time since I have seen this one. Can you point to a YouTube clip by any chance for this scene???

    +J. Hancock You said, "Fight Club… sitting on the curb punching yourself out." Also been a LONG time since seeing this one. Could you find a specific clip on YouTube?

  93. J. Hancock says:

    sorry +Scott Cramer, it seems Youtube posters are more interesting in people beating each other  up.  =P

  94. Scott Cramer says:

    +J. Hancock I saw that too! Okay, will maybe have to rent the movie! 😉

  95. Brigitte Wooten says:

    Founding Fathers?

  96. Scott Cramer says:

    Is that a movie? Clip?

  97. Brigitte Wooten says:

    No. darn, that fine print!

  98. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    A clip from Sharknado?

  99. Scott Cramer says:

    Ha! Amazed I have not seen that one!

  100. Knut Torgersen says:

    From what I hear, no real loss at all. Sharknado is one of those "I do not want to see it" items.

  101. Scott Cramer says:

    Aw, Sharknado was actually so bad it's worth seeing. 🙂 Very funny.

  102. Scott Cramer says:

    Well. We have completed 8 so far. Depending on brother's schedule, more later. And, when I said low budget, you know I meant "really bad" right?

    Okay… Back soon. Gotta go buy more ketchup.

  103. Chad Wilson says:

    Are you guys giving The Asylum a challenge for low budget?

  104. Scott Cramer says:

    We make Asylum and Ed Wood look like James Cameron and Michael Bay.

  105. Chad Wilson says:

    We make Asylum and Ed Wood look like James Cameron and Michael Bay.

    I am quoting this, because I think this is the first and last time we will ever see these comparisons meant to be favorable.

  106. Keith Cramer says:

    Hmmm.. I'm thinking you might still be giving our reenactments a little too much polish…

  107. Patty Rose says:

    FYI, corn syrup and food colouring makes for better fake blood than ketchup (assuming why you're out).

  108. Scott Cramer says:

    +Patty Rose True… True… We just squished the bottle and went with it. Our theory… One take. No do overs. 😉

  109. Chad Wilson says:

    That is the theory that The Asylum uses, so…

  110. Patty Rose says:

    Fair enough +Scott Cramer .

  111. Scott Cramer says:

    And… Garbage bag suit in the sun… Hot. Very hot.

  112. Scott Cramer says:

    Ah. Shooting is done. We managed to finish 14 scenes in two days. Need to throw them into an editor and stitch them together with some title cards. So… very… awful! You have been warned! 😉

  113. Dirk Reul says:

    I can't wait!

  114. Keith Cramer says:

    I'm still not sure if I want this to be part of the legacy I someday leave behind.

    It's not too late to lock the footage in a vault… just sayin'

  115. Halfdan Reschat says:

    I am looking forward to all the awfulness.

  116. Scott Cramer says:

    This footage is so bad, it would eat through a vault.

  117. Scott Cramer says:

    +Halfdan Reschat Sharknado looks like Shindler's List compared to this.

  118. Scott Cramer says:

    So… +Keith Cramer decided to get a little cheeky with sharing a preview! It's in the sisterly brotherly code that I must follow suit.

  119. Dirk Reul says:

    when you say "cheeky" you mean regular Saturday evening dress code?

  120. Scott Cramer says:

    "Dress" code. hehe… I see what you did there.

  121. Dirk Reul says:

    I will be here all week 🙂

  122. Salvio Giglio says:

    Do you remember Happy Days? +Keith Cramer? Mmmhhhhh…  I would see well in the role of the mother of Ron Award (Mrs. Marion) give an affectionate kiss as an aunt, a Fonzie (played by +Scott Cramer  ) when he returns home after he closed the workshop!
    HEY! 😀

  123. Jo Lane says:

    You guys always put a smile on my face 😀

  124. Scott Cramer says:

    Hm. That makes one wonder where else it would go??? 😉

  125. Jo Lane says:

    mind out of gutter Mr Cramer 😛

  126. Keith Cramer says:

    Mrs. Cunningham… yeah, OK, she was pretty cool.

  127. Scott Cramer says:

    +Jo Lane O:-) It was purely an academic question.

  128. Jo Lane says:

    I'm sure ;P

  129. Scott Cramer says:

    Also purely academic, but I note that you did not answer… 😉

  130. Scott Cramer says:

    I created the all the slates for beginning, end, and in-between and passed them over to Keith to stitch together. He has some family stuff to do tonight so e.t.a. unknown… but rapidly approaching. I'm giving you all time to buy blindfolds and run away. 😉

  131. Knut Torgersen says:

    Oh. Family.

  132. Scott Cramer says:

    Yup. Most important thing there is. 🙂

  133. Patty Rose says:

    My brother and I are pretty tight, but he'd never ware a dress on film, no matter how flattering the cut.

    I'm kind of excited to laugh at with you guys 😉

  134. Scott Cramer says:

    I have not seen most of the videos except on the tiny video camera screen. We had a great time with them… and if we do not blind all of our friends then maybe I can convince Keith to do some more. Bwahaha! 😉

  135. Kyla Myers says:

    I think at least two of my brother's would be pretty easy to convince.

  136. Scott Cramer says:

    O? Get crackin' +Kyla Myers !!! Hehe

  137. Kyla Myers says:

    Gotta wait for +Kevin Hatcher to visit. Heh

  138. Scott Cramer says:

    Last preview. Hopefully video up tonight. You have been warned. LOL

  139. Scott Cramer says:

    It is done.

  140. Oleg Moskalensky says:

    I'm very disappointed +Scott Cramer & +Keith Cramer – you picked silly Dr. Who over The Godfather?  We're talking a brother being shot in a car… you must've had some personal issues where this just hit too close to home and then remembering how well blanks worked for Brandon Lee decided to forgo that classic moment.  That's the only logical explanation that'll allow me to sleep tonight… Otherwise – no excuse…

    Other than that – I liked the titles.. 🙂

  141. Knut Torgersen says:

    This was grand. Period.

  142. Scott Cramer says:

    +Oleg Moskalensky Part 2? 😉 Honest injun, though, we tried to get to as many as possible! Strangely enough, we really did mention the Brandon Lee thing, except with a knife for another scene. Spooky

    +Knut Torgersen Thank you! We hope to win an Oscar (the Grouch). 😉

  143. Oleg Moskalensky says:

    +Scott Cramer, absolutely!  Part 2 will work 🙂  After all – they couldn't fit everything into Godfather I, so II was made and since you're making an epic film yourself – it's only fitting.

    And since we're discussing a whole new part – I got another one for you, which I think you and +Keith Cramer would appreciate – the lunch scene from Dirty, Rotten Scoundrels, where Ruprikt asks to be excused for #1… nobody gets killed in that one, but I think you guys can reenact it with a very low budget.

    Btw, did anyone ever tell you guys that your last name is misspelled… based on your personas – shouldn't it be spelled Kramer?… just wondering… 😉

  144. Scott Cramer says:

    +Oleg Moskalensky Kramer? Nope. Never ever ever ever heard that. O_o

    And… will have to go re-watch that one! It's been yeeeeeears!

  145. Oleg Moskalensky says:

    +Scott Cramer, my mistake… 😉

    Dirty Rotten Scoundrels – May I go to the bathroom?

    If you do it – make sure to use a good cork…

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