Neil Gaiman on the next Doctor Who

I could not agree with him more! The article is short, so go read it. Warning: One spoiler about an actor in "The Name of the Doctor".

Thanks +Jo Lane for pointing me to this. 🙂

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Neil Gaiman’s Journal: On Casting The Doctor
I think that if you’d asked me who should be the 11th Doctor 5 years ago I wouldn’t have listed Matt Smith, because I didn’t know who he was or what he was capable of, and if you’d asked me who should play Sherlock Holmes in a modern day revival around the same time I wouldn’t have said Benedict …

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8 Responses to Neil Gaiman on the next Doctor Who

  1. Andy Torres says:

    Neil knows what's up. But with that said, a bit of stunt casting (like Mirren or Sir Ian, but not them…really) might be fun for a season. I said might.

  2. Dex Peck says:

    +Jennifer Bonito

  3. Scott Cramer says:

    Written right, it would definitely be fun!

  4. Jennifer Bonito says:

    Completely agree with him

  5. Robert Gibson II says:

    +Meghan O'Connor

  6. Meghan O'Connor says:

    I agree, but it is hard to silence the doubts and 'what if's' I have.  The Doctor means so much to me.  I couldn't live with myself if I didn't like him.  (Although, I do insist it is a HIM.  In my opinion there are female Timelords and male Timelords.  I doubt you can regenerate between genders.  It would be awkward.) Anyway, casting directors aren't infallible even the genius minds that gave us Christopher David Matt Benedict etc.  I feel like I could be set up to have my heart broken…….. I just read my own comment and determined I have no life.

  7. Scott Cramer says:

    I'm with you across the board +Meghan O'Connor!

  8. Robert Gibson II says:

    There are canon references to Timelords being able to regenerate as a different sex but it is rare and I believe that they must put an effort of will into it. Considering the fact that The Doctor is almost always unconscious when he regenerates, I think it's unlikely to happen.

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