Nerd Block Epic Fail?

According to the e-mail I received: "Nerd Block is monthly surprise package delivered right to your door, filled with all sorts of nerdy collectibles for you to tear into! Each month you’ll receive a limited edition t-shirt and several other epic items to give you a total nerdgasm. Every Nerd Block is loaded with the best collectibles from your favorite brands!"

(1) This is from the ShirtPunch guys in Canada (who I normally love). However, I did not sign up for this e-mail newsletter; they used their ShirtPunch distribution list to send this to me.

(2) I am not paying $20 a month to get cast-off unknown merchandise, regardless of the "favorite brands" tagline. This reeks of marketing where nerds/geeks (basically their t-shirt core base) likes everything they consider to be "nerdy" (more appropriately read, "whatever they can buy at a good price to shove in the boxes and not worry about inventory control").

If it's your thing, though… let me know if I'm totally off-base and missing the coolest thing ever. From my favorite brands. :-/

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10 Responses to Nerd Block Epic Fail?

  1. Matt Ingrouille says:

    On the subject of stuff like this and nerdy tees, have you seen
    A great way to see all the daily tees from these kind of sites in one place.

  2. Kyla Myers says:

    +Matt Ingrouille, don't feed his addiction. 😉

  3. Scott Cramer says:

    Ohhhh! Too late! 😛

  4. Matt Ingrouille says:

    Since I stumbled across and I've started feeding an addiction, too.
    I've joined the club, +Scott Cramer . Do you guys have tshirts?

  5. Chris Cane says:

    $30 bucks after shipping… I'll pass!

  6. Scott Cramer says:

    +Matt Ingrouille Addiction shirts? Hm… Not yet!

  7. Patty Rose says:

    Oh somebody should totally make a "I'm addicted to geeky shirts" tee shirt (alternately "I'm addicted to graphic tees").

  8. Patty Rose says:

    On the box of random cast offs, I'm sure some people will like it, but I kinda think it's akin to paying for spam…

  9. Scott Cramer says:

    +Patty Rose FTW^2!

  10. Patty Rose says:


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