New Dynamic Duo

In (belated) honor of +Blaine Hall's birthday last week, combined with +Sean Cowen's countdown to the walking dead premiere, plus all the recent Batman news, I present the G+ Dynamic Zombie Fleeing Duo! Whereas Blain seems to have a healthy dose of "HOLY, LET'S GET THE HECK OUT OF HERE, BATMAN!" Sean has a total "Just wait until I get my Bat Zombie Repellent" cool smugness as they escape the oncoming horde.

Having met these guys just a few weeks ago, I can totally vouch for the costumes, absolutely no Photoshopping necessary. Cross my fingers. Right +Keith Cramer and +Kristi Fahlsing? 😉

Special inspiration credit to +Vash Crowley for his recent dynamic duo gif that kicked me into gear!

#happybirthdayblainhall   #gplususermashup   #batmanandrobin   #thewalkingdead   #zombies  

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8 Responses to New Dynamic Duo

  1. Cliff Roth says:

    Brilliant!  Those two are some of the best people in this place.

  2. Scott Cramer says:

    100% agree +Cliff Roth 🙂

  3. Keith Cramer says:


    Awesome job. Love it!

  4. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    Absolutely +Cliff Roth!!!!!

    ps youngster says "that's real cool, Scott." 🙂

  5. Sean Cowen says:

    +Scott Cramer You are really, really warped. I like that. 🙂

    Well done, sir.

  6. Scott Cramer says:

    Yay! Glad you enjoyed! 🙂

    I don't have +byron rempel 's zombie skills so I have to riff off other sources! Heh 😉

  7. Blaine Hall says:

    You crack me up!

  8. Scott Cramer says:

    +Donna Cowen Did you know your nephew was a bonafide superhero??? 😉

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