C'mon, how many of you do this? I love that new electronics smell when you open the box! The new Chromecast arrived today and it smells lovely. I bet they don't have that on any brochures! 😉
#chromecast #candles #newelectronicsmell
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I want to know if it will blend.
While working at my old place I remarked once that the new laptops had a great smell.
Yeah…I didn't live that down. I've made sure never to mention it at my new workplace.
I use my sense of smell to know when a computer is about to fail. Almost dead power supplies and over-heating CPUs have such a lovely odor.
I finally feel like I'm normal for reading this.
I'm not alone smelling electronics anymore
No licking, though. That stuff contains chemicals bad for your brain.
I have not yet reached your lofty level of geekiness. Now I have something to aspire to.
+Matt Ingrouille, they used to make fun of me for saying the new laptops were sexy.
If you can bottle that scent you can call it Eau de Geek© and make a killing…
…and yes, that's a copyrighted trademark belonging to me, so you can make money off the product and I'll make money off the name!
+Nikki C You are family!!!
Looking at you with my evil eye, +Scott Cramer. Want badly. :-/
The Chromecast… 😉
You have to specify with some of this crowd.
P.s., it's got some bugs I found in the first couple mins but it is quite cool. And… $35. Well played Google.
Sweet. Ordering mine on Friday! As for the candle….try Yankee Candle Company, they have a bacon scented one, you never know…
I love the smell of fresh tech….. sniiiiiiiiiiif AAAHHHHHHHHHHH. I am also loving my chromecast.