Aside from production information, Abrams says, "the key to moving forward on something like this is honoring but not revering what came before." If this means ignoring most of episodes 1-3, okay. If it means changing things just to put his stamp on it, bah.
New 'Star Wars' Details Emerge –
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‘Star Wars’ To Begin Filming In Early 2014
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Way to re-enforce the concerns I already have J.J.
There are no episodes 1 to 3. Star Wars has and always start at Episode IV. I have read rumors of prequels, but they are the rants of mad men and people that wear more than 15 colors at once.
And there was only one Highlander movie.
Agreed. And, agreed.
Regarding what Abrams would so, it could not possibly be worse than what episode 1-3 did to destroy the Star Wars storyline.
Don't tempt him!
He is no Michael Bay.
I don't envy his job. Seriously. With as much Extended Universe crap out there as there is, he either has to a) completely abandon it in order to tell an all new story, therefore pissing off legions of fans of the EU canon, or b) try to shoehorn in a new and compelling story into the existing canon, which would mean abandoning the Skywalker and Solo clan and moving on to new characters, therefore pissing off legions of fans of the original films.
I say let him do whatever he wants… Unlike Lucas he at least is a fan of Star Wars to begin with…
I could care less if these movies tank. If they are good, it'll be a pleasant surprise, but nothing can ruin the originals (as long as a copy of the theatrical cuts are available).
I will just wait and see 🙂 Frankly, they cannot be worse than what Lucas did.