I was going to have more words, but this weekend has been spent with your granddaughter staying up way too late watching too much television and eating not a balanced diet! I know you'd shake your head at me and laugh, telling me to do a little better with bed times and dinners; that we only get one go-round in this life. Then you'd smile and I know you would be proud of the relationship with daughter that I have built. You'd tell me not to worry about writing you while I'm with Maddie, that love is enough; so know this year I am writing while waiting on your granddaughter to get out of the shower before we go see more family. I am sitting in the house I never got a chance to show you or Dad but I know you'd love it, even with all my toys (we call them collectibles now) still sitting around like in my bedroom growing up – just not as messy (well, mostly). I wish I could share that little bro +Keith Cramer and I are still working together and not killing each other and our efforts have paid off in allowing us both to earn the houses and things that we have in our lives. Without you and Dad, we'd never have achieved any of it. I also wish you could see that +Rhonda Britton and I found each other again after so many years and meet the new family that has become a part of my life. Lastly, I wish you could meet the young woman your granddaughter +Maddie Cramer is growing into, sit again side by side with her like in this photo, and share more of your knowledge and love.
Happy Mother's Day from all of us.
Previous Mother's Day post; resharing if you would like to read. Letter to Mom on Mother’s Day
I was going to have more words, but this weekend has been spent with your granddaughter staying up way too late watching too much television and eating not a balanced diet! I know you’d shake your head at me and laugh, telling me to do a little better with bed times and dinners; that we only get one go-round in this life. Then you’d smile and I know you would be proud of the relationship with daughter
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