It all started with a balanced meal (literally).
From that bit of silly, I mentioned the master balance artist +Wolf Klein, a.k.a. The Balancing Wolf and +Basil Doeringsfeld threw down the challenge for him to balance me balancing dinner.
Which, of course, The Balancing Wolf did.
It was too good to pass up.
Me balancing The Balancing Wolf balancing me balancing dinner!
#metabalance Out Balancing The Balancing Wolf
It all started with a balanced meal (literally).
From that bit of silly, I mentioned the master balance artist +Wolf Klein, a.k.a. The Balancing Wolf and +Basil Doeringsfeld threw down the challenge for him to balance me balancing dinner.
Which, of course, The Balancing Wolf did.
It was too good to pass up.
Me balancing The Balancing Wolf balancing me balancing dinner!
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So. Freaking. Awesome. #Scottception
I wanted this to happen when I saw the Balancing Wolf's post the other day … will you be outdone? How far will this go?
+byron rempel Outdone? Perish the thought! 😉
LoL! it's getting s Seussian feel to it already. love it!
Nice! 😉
THIS IS SPARTA!! Heheheheh! You're looking good there!!
How is it that I was expecting this to appear? I wasn't sure who it would be balancing the Scott-Wolf combo but I knew it wouldn't stop at +Wolf Klein. This is great.
You are going to need step ladders & an assistant in the near future, I sense this is not the last I've seen of the 'me balancing the balancing wolf' & so on…..
+Scott Cramer you're my hero!
Wow! You win! 😉
So goood
+Wolf Klein you've got to fight back! Balancing battle!
+Wolf Klein I will accept nothing more than a tie, my friend. 🙂