Aside from contrivances that I am willing to write off in the name of pacing and keeping the movie to a watchable length without losing the audience in an extra hour's worth of details, I loved it. No spoilers, but the contrivances in question are:
(1) Wow, quite convenient [item] is located in [exact place where item is needed] at exactly the right time.
(2) Universal coincidence that [person] just happens to be [exactly the right person] with no setup beyond a one in a billion chance.
(3) Hollywood infatuation with timing to the n'th of a second.
(4) Plot always trumps physics. 😉
(5) The notable lack of other superheros who you just might think in the real world would not be too busy to maybe lend a hand. Okay, maybe that is close to a spoiler, but you know by the cast which actors are in or not.
You can figure out what I am talking about after seeing the movie, because, ultimately you want to see this movie. As a long time fan of Captain America from the comic books (well before they got silly with them) I was more than willing to pause my brain for a few seconds as needed and fill in the needed excuses to wave away the contrivances and it did not ultimately diminish my enjoyment of the film!
The cast was excellent, I enjoyed the story more than I anticipated by far, and it was a very FUN ride. C'mon, Falcon! Yay! Black Widow?! Yay!!! Everyone did great. Stay after the credits. Then…. stay some more until the credits are COMPLETELY done. Two stingers. I also saw it in 3D and, though 2D would have been fine, I do not feel ripped off for paying the extra for the 3D this time – which, other than Avatar, I have not been a big fan of so far.
#moviereview #captainamerica #captainamericathewintersoldier #captainamerica2 #hashtagsdrivemecrazy ?
Captain America – The Winter Soldier (no spoilers)
Aside from contrivances that I am willing to write off in the name of pacing and keeping the movie to a watchable length without losing the audience in an extra hour’s worth of details, I loved it. No spoilers, but the contrivances in question are:
(1) Wow, quite convenient [item] is located in [exact place where item is needed] at exactly the right time.
(2) Universal coincidence that [person] just happens to be [exactly the right person] with no setup beyond a one in a billion chance.
(3) Hollywood infatuation with timing to the n’th of a second.
(4) Plot always trumps physics. 😉
(5) The notable lack of other superheros who you just might think in the real world would not be too busy to maybe lend a hand. Okay, maybe that is close to a spoiler, but you know by the cast which actors are in or not.
You can figure out what I am talking about after seeing the movie, because, ultimately you want to see this movie. As a long time fan of Captain America from the comic books (well before they got silly with them) I was more than willing to pause my brain for a few seconds as needed and fill in the needed excuses to wave away the contrivances and it did not ultimately diminish my enjoyment of the film!
The cast was excellent, I enjoyed the story more than I anticipated by far, and it was a very FUN ride. C’mon, Falcon! Yay! Black Widow?! Yay!!! Everyone did great. Stay after the credits. Then…. stay some more until the credits are COMPLETELY done. Two stingers. I also saw it in 3D and, though 2D would have been fine, I do not feel ripped off for paying the extra for the 3D this time – which, other than Avatar, I have not been a big fan of so far.
#moviereview #captainamerica #captainamericathewintersoldier #captainamerica2 #hashtagsdrivemecrazy
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