I'm behind on posting some thank-you's to some wonderful people. This one goes out to ANONYMOUS who sent some awesome and geeky +Secret Santa gifts this year. This was a tough year for me shopping for Christmas. Definitely not whining, because it was tough only because almost all my pennies were tied up as a placeholder for closing costs to finally get daughter and I into a house again. I'm a very lucky man in many ways so of all reasons to have trouble shopping for Christmas, this was a pretty darn fortunate one to have. I know the season is not about gifts, either receiving or even giving, but it was tough to know it was going to be lean. Brother +Keith Cramer floated me this year until the mortgage company finally sets me free as a capitalist consumer again so I was able to give daughter a good and fun Christmas. However, my anonymous gifter sent me something so perfect for daughter that I set it aside for Christmas morning. Last year, it was +Kyla Myers (found out and named!) who sent me a plush TARDIS that ended up getting daughter interested for the first time ever in watching Doctor Who with me. Since then, Doctor Who has become a thing for her and I to share; sitting on the couch together snacking, or sometimes with her leaned up against me. These are times that go in the memory vault to treasure forever. Daughter still holds a fondness for My Little Pony, and truthfully, the writers have really made that an enjoyable show for many ages. That being said, there is a Doctor Who and My Little Pony mash-up figure named "Dr. Whooves" and THIS is what my anonymous person sent. Daughter absolutely loved it. Later in the day at a family gathering, she received another – and the smile was still big and genuine. Dr. Whooves will exist in time and space at both her mother's house and my house.
+Kyla Myers, cagey elf that you are, please make sure that anonymous sees this thank-you. <3
#santagift #secretsanta #secretsanta2013 #doctorwho #mylittlepony #mashup #drwhooves
Thank you Anonymous for the Priceless Smile
I’m behind on posting some thank-you’s to some wonderful people. This one goes out to ANONYMOUS who sent some awesome and geeky +Secret Santa gifts this year. This was a tough year for me shopping for Christmas. Definitely not whining, because it was tough only because almost all my pennies were tied up as a placeholder for closing costs to finally get daughter and I into a house again. I’m a very lucky man in many ways so of all reasons to have trouble shopping for Christmas, this was a pretty darn fortunate one to have. I know the season is not about gifts, either receiving or even giving, but it was tough to know it was going to be lean. Brother +Keith Cramer floated me this year until the mortgage company finally sets me free as a capitalist consumer again so I was able to give daughter a good and fun Christmas. However, my anonymous gifter sent me something so perfect for daughter that I set it aside for Christmas morning. Last year, it was +Kyla Myers (found out and named!) who sent me a plush TARDIS that ended up getting daughter interested for the first time ever in watching Doctor Who with me. Since then, Doctor Who has become a thing for her and I to share; sitting on the couch together snacking, or sometimes with her leaned up against me. These are times that go in the memory vault to treasure forever. Daughter still holds a fondness for My Little Pony, and truthfully, the writers have really made that an enjoyable show for many ages. That being said, there is a Doctor Who and My Little Pony mash-up figure named “Dr. Whooves” and THIS is what my anonymous person sent. Daughter absolutely loved it. Later in the day at a family gathering, she received another – and the smile was still big and genuine. Dr. Whooves will exist in time and space at both her mother’s house and my house.
+Kyla Myers, cagey elf that you are, please make sure that anonymous sees this thank-you. <3
#santagift #secretsanta #secretsanta2013 #doctorwho #mylittlepony #mashup #drwhooves
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