This is me at the office earlier today. I am reading a freshly delivered Christmas prezzie of the wonderful +Mar Mai's latest graphic novel, "The Tale of Baozhai". Thank you so much, my Christmas friend! 😉
I will be writing more about it soon, but this is a tale for all ages in Mar's style, that I totally adore. I have read comics, sci-fi, fantasy, and so much more through the years. I have watched countless hours of cartoons from back in the day to present. I am a student of television and movies and an ardent fan of all pop culture. That being said, I really love this graphic novel; it holds it's own in a brain like mine filled with countless images from an entire lifetime of it's peers.
Need a quick and wonderful Christmas gift? Click no further! Well, click at least one more time on one of the below links! 😉
Mar's latest, "The Tale of Baozhai" on Amazon:
Mar's first Graphic novel, "The Dragon Tutor" on Amazon:
#marmaicomix #comicbookart #graphicnovel #christmasgifts ?
Reading a wonderful Christmas present at the office!
This is me at the office earlier today. I am reading a freshly delivered Christmas prezzie of the wonderful +Mar Mai’s latest graphic novel, “The Tale of Baozhai”. Thank you so much, my Christmas friend! 😉
I will be writing more about it soon, but this is a tale for all ages in Mar’s style, that I totally adore. I have read comics, sci-fi, fantasy, and so much more through the years. I have watched countless hours of cartoons from back in the day to present. I am a student of television and movies and an ardent fan of all pop culture. That being said, I really love this graphic novel; it holds it’s own in a brain like mine filled with countless images from an entire lifetime of it’s peers.
Need a quick and wonderful Christmas gift? Click no farther! Well, click at least one more time on one of the below links! 😉
Mar’s latest, “The Tale of Baozhai” on Amazon:
Mar’s first Graphic novel, “The Dragon Tutor” on Amazon:
#marmaicomix #comicbookart #graphicnovel #christmasgifts
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