G+ friends in the world of Game of Thrones as Funko Pop toy vinyl figures. 😉
A couple of days ago I posted a mash-up of +Dirk Reul as Tyrion Lannister (complete with box). I had a lot of fun with it and there were a bunch more toy figurines so I decided to keep adding people. +Stephanie Dreyfürst was next as Cersei Lannister. I just finished +Andrew Clifton-Brown as Jaime Lannister and +Carrie Canup as Arya Stark. Dirk may or may not have suggested most of his fellow victims. Just saying… 😉
Since I started, I have redone Dirk's bust because I did not like the way the first one turned out when I got started on the others.
Stephanie's hair took me about a million years to get right. Also, there was no top to her head on the main photo I was using. I used another of her pictures to get the crown of her head.
Andrew's bust comes from a black and white photo so I had to colorize it. Rather than messing with the eyes, I cut them out of a Halloween picture of himself that he posted and added them back into the photo I was using.
I have used the bust of Carrie before and did not intend to use this one again. However, when I started cutting up some other photos, the expression in this one really fit Arya better; a more young and innocent look.
Textures, lighting, and color are really different across all the source photos of people that I used, not to mention the image qualities. I may tweak all of that a bit more when I put them into some kind of final scene. More to come, as I have time to play. 😉
#gplususermashup  #gameofthrones  #cerseilannister  #jaimelannister  #tyrionlannister  #aryastark  #geektoys  #funkopop  ?
Game of Thrones / G+ Peeps Mash-Up (Work in Progress)
G+ friends in the world of Game of Thrones as Funko Pop toy vinyl figures. 😉
A couple of days ago I posted a mash-up of +Dirk Reul as Tyrion Lannister (complete with box). I had a lot of fun with it and there were a bunch more toy figurines so I decided to keep adding people. +Stephanie Dreyfürst was next as Cersei Lannister. I just finished +Andrew Clifton-Brown as Jaime Lannister and +Carrie Canup as Arya Stark. Dirk may or may not have suggested most of his fellow victims. Just saying… 😉
Since I started, I have redone Dirk’s bust because I did not like the way the other one turned out when I got started on the others.
Stephanie’s hair took me about a million years to get right. Also, there was no top to her head on the main photo I was using. I used another of her pictures to get the crown of her head.
Andrew’s bust comes from a black and white photo so I had to colorize it. Rather than messing with the eyes, I cut them out of a Halloween picture of himself that he posted and added them back into the photo I was using.
I have used the bust of Carrie before and did not intend to use this one again. However, when I started cutting up some other photos, the expression in this one really fit Arya better; a more young and innocent look.
Textures, lighting, and color are really different across all the source photos of people that I used, not to mention the image qualities. I may tweak all of that a bit more when I put them into some kind of final scene. More to come, as I have time to play. 😉
#gplususermashup  #gameofthrones  #cerseilannister  #jaimelannister  #tyrionlannister  #aryastark  #geektoys  #funkopop Â
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