I made a double batch of these earlier today. For me, this is what marks the official beginning of the fall season. My townhouse still smells AMAZING. Being the first batch of the year, I was quite happy they came out spot on! Not too mushy and not too firm.
Apple Dumplings
2 cups water
1 ½ cup sugar
¼ tsp cinnamon
¼ tsp nutmeg
8 drops red food coloring
Note: If using the gel food coloring, 4 drops is enough since the drops of gel are, at least with my drops, bigger thank liquid drops.
½ cup butter
2 cup flour
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
¾ cup shortening
½ cup milk
6 baking apples, peeled and cored
Note: Good baking apples are Jonagold, Granny Smith, Braeburn, Cortland, and Gala – I used gala since they were handy this time around; I have also used Honey Crisp in the past which are very sweet.
Mix first 5 ingredients, cook for 5 minutes. Remove from heat, add butter. Note: I just drop in the butter chopped into chunks and it melts pretty quickly, especially if already softened.
Sift dry ingredients, cut in shortening. I just use a fork and mash it in until it's all mixed well.
Add milk all at once, stir till moistened. (doesn't take long).
Separate the dough into 6 balls and roll individually to cover the apples (the original recipe had you roll out all the dough at once but this did not work well for me in portioning it out).
Place apple on rolled out dough, sprinkle with mixture of sugar cinnamon, nutmeg; dot with butter. Note: I sprinkled a little of the liquid from earlier and dotted with a part of a stick of butter I'd softened in the microwave – too much liquid sprinkled and it will get gooey to work with so careful.
Moisten edges of pastry, bring corners together in center, pinch edges together. Note: Using the liquid, I didn't need to moisten; also I barely ever have enough dough to overlap at the top of the apples (see below).
Place in ungreased 13 x 9 pan. Pour syrup over, bake at 375 for 35 – 40 minutes.
NOTE: If you are like me, you'll find it frustrating that when you go to put the pastry around the apples, it most likely won't fit. Apples these days must be humongous compared to days of old. This is why I started rolling out the dough separate for each apple. pull it up as far as it will go on the apple and when you are all done, get the apple in your hands and just kind of "press" the dough into shape molding it around the apple. In the end, you'll have a dough covered apple and it will be great. If it rips, just stretch it back together and pinch the edges together. It's all worth it in the end.
Baking time… Bigger apples require the upper end time to really get the apples tender. I've gone up to 45 minutes. However, keep an eye on them because you don't want to go so far as to burn or totally dry out your dough.
#foodporn #apples #appledumplings #recipe
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