On order with Best Buy; 3 to 5 days. One for +Keith Cramer and +Dustin Cochran too. 😉
EDIT: CURSES BEST BUY!!! After sitting on hold forever waiting for confirmation, she says it's a "hot item" (duh) and we can't get it.
EDIT TWO: Google Play order completed (thanks +Keith Cramer). 3-4 weeks out on shipping according to Google.
Chromecast (almost) Ordered!
On order with Best Buy; 3 to 5 days. One for +Keith Cramer and +Dustin Cochran too. 😉
EDIT: CURSES BEST BUY!!! After sitting on hold forever waiting for confirmation, she says it’s a “hot item” (duh) and we can’t get it.
EDIT TWO: Google Play order completed (thanks +Keith Cramer). 3-4 weeks out on shipping according to Google.
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