A good cartoonist is an educator as well as entertainer.
Although I saw +Doug Savage catching some flack on kangaroos, I think any animal carrying their young in a pouch does not, by default, get the nod on this one. Stand your ground, Doug, stand your ground. I'll hop over and help 'ya. 😉
What do you mean you are not following +Doug Savage already? Circle. E-mail subscribe. Buy (a very inexpensive) book. He's a great guy. Okay Doug. Can you call off the chickens? I realize they don't hop, but they're making a mess of my living room.
Savage Chicken Science A good cartoonist is an educator as well as entertainer. Although I saw +Doug Savage catching some flack on kangaroos, I think any animal carrying their young in a pouch does not, by default, get the nod on this one. Stand your ground, Doug, stand your ground. I’ll hop over and help ‘ya. 😉 What do you mean you are not following +Doug Savage already? Circle. E-mail subscribe. Buy (a very inexpensive) book. He’s a great guy. Okay Doug. Can you call off the chickens? I realize they don’t hop, but they’re making a mess of my living room.
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