Batman Baby Villains

Artist Jesus Sanchez brings you the Batman villains in their younger forms. 🙂

#batman   #dccomics   #comicbookart   #joker  

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Open Letter to Mom on Mother's Day

Thanks Mom. I miss you every day but today, especially, I think back on all the times that I wish I had done more, or said more to you while I had the chance. It's one of those quirky tricks of time where you don't realize until you're older exactly how much certain things matter. You provided an environment for me, and all us young ones, to be kids. We biked, we camped, we played in the dirt; yeah we had chores because you taught us responsibility, but you never lost sight of letting us be kids. Some say back before the age of the internet and video games that it was easier for kids to be kids. Mom, I know you would have still pushed us out the door, wireless. You traded frayed nerves for us climbing too high in trees and riding our bikes too near neighborhood traffic. Most important, you made growing up a safe place for us to be weird. Not weird like wearing our underwear on our head in public weird, though you probably would have let us try it once to teach limits. But weird in the way where we were safe to find our own personalities. We explored paths that you could easily have told us were silly or meaningless. Your only requirement was to make sure whatever we came up with did not harm ourselves or others. Our personalities flourished under your watchful eye. "Nerd" and "geek" were not widely used terms back then and, when they were said, they did not have the social acceptance that they do today. Not only did you avoid labels, but you did not let any of us succumb to the limits that people who use them try to apply. So much of who I am today is solely because you let me grow unencumbered. There were hiccups, I know. Nobody is perfect, not even parents, and I know you made mistakes too; but I really can't think of any because they were stepping stones to growing up, not boulders impeding the path. Life threw in it's major challenges too. The loss of our sister when she was just a teen made it hard for you not to shelter us young ones still at home. But, as hard as it was, you still somehow let us out of your sight; you let us forge paths where you had no control because you had faith we would do our best. Bad things could always happen and that, you taught us, was also a part of life. I am doing the best with my daughter now, and trust me Mom, I have made my share of mistakes, but I'd never be able to get through any of this without you. So many times I wish I could seek out your counsel again. But I know it's for selfish reasons, to see your face and hear your voice; I already know that I have your wisdom and your love with me always.

#mothersday   #mothersday2013  

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Young Singing Prodigy Connie Talbot

Wow. It's amazing when you see some of these young kids with such natural talent! I watched several of her other videos too, and especially liked the cover of Pink's Give Me a Reason. There is one titled Ben where you can see just how young she started; just a little thing missing many of her baby teeth. 🙂

Thanks to a limited post by +Hans Carlson for introducing me to her.

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Happy Birthday Matthew Rappaport!

Happy Birthday to the original G+ Joker himself, +matthew rappaport! 😉

#gplususermashup   #joker   #happybirthdaymatthewrappaport  

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Time for IRON MAN

Went all out for the IMAX 3D. I can always sell give plasma to pay for it! 😉

Edit: Wrote post too quick. Tag +Kristi Fahlsing in next seat.
Time for IRON MAN Went all out for the IMAX 3D. I can always sell give plasma to pay for it! 😉

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Threading the Needle (Like a Boss)

Brother +Keith Cramer needed to put the hard top on his Jeep the other day. We had stored it in a currently unused company freezer. I told Keith he should just back the Jeep in because I didn't want to lug the heavy top out. "I don't think it'll fit," he said. "Sure it will," I assured him. 😉

There was about a half inch clearance.


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One Half-Second of High Frequency Trading

Don't get me wrong, I love the computing age; but I love it when it levels the playing field, not destroys it.

I like the European proposal that trades need to live for at least a half second. I'd love to see that even more close to human ability.

This Video Of One Half-Second Of High Frequency Trading Is Insane, Terrifying –

Embedded Link

This Video Of One Half-Second Of High Frequency Trading Is Insane, Terrifying

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Riker Sits Down

How did I never notice this before?!

You Can't Unsee This Mesmerizing Riker Supercut –

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You Can’t Unsee This Mesmerizing Riker ‘Star Trek’ Supercut

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Secret Life of Superheroes by Greg Guilleman

Apparently, I'm on a superhero kick this morning. 😉 I love these images of superheroes in definitely non heroic moments. More images at the link, but there are some NSFW ones, so careful.


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Ordinary Superhero by Christian Dallas

The real life aspect of superheroes is a concept that intrigues me. When I first saw this painting, I imagined Flash going through his morning routine at super speed and sitting on the floor checking his watch and talking on the phone because he's always early with time to kill. The painter was kind enough to leave on the mask for the shower and porcelain throne to protect his super secret identity. 😉

Related post: Real life superheros and a poignant song about The Flash called The Ballad of Barry Allen by Jim's Big Ego.

#theflash   #superheroes   #comicbookart  

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Big Bang Theory / Dalek Mash-Up

Now, if we can just get Kaley Cuoco to sing it! 😉

EDIT (e-mail received from Gimmick Tees this afternoon):
Apparently the artist who submitted the dalek/big bang theory shirt design used art that was not his own. This is unacceptable and we will not be a party to this. As a result, we have pulled that shirt from being offered at our website. I have been in touch with the original artist JEFF PINA and we are going to run his artwork as a tee next week. Even though I was not aware that this submitted art had been "lifted" from Jeff, I feel responsible and want to do right and help Jeff out.

Jeff''s site (w/weekly webcomics):
Jeff's deviantART page:
Jeff's Tumblr:
Jeff's Facebook:

#doctorwho   #dalek   #bigbangtheory   #softkitty  
Big Bang Theory / Dalek Mash-Up Now, if we can just get Kaley Cuoco to sing it! 😉

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Secret Identity by Simon Monk

Batman, Superman, Spider-Man, and even Captain America. The one thing these superheroes can not escape from, regardless of what they represent as ideals, is that they are all consumer brands; their images and adventures are owned by corporations. They have taken on a life outside of those brands in our imaginations and mythologies. We imagine new exploits for them from adventures on the playground as children to fan fiction as adults. Their canonical destinies, however, are penned by entities who brought them into being to make money and direct their actions, not from some higher moral calling, but from a profit-driven bottom line; comic books, movies, and licensed merchandise. Still, in my head, the heroes will always prevail. Somehow, with a witty quip or profound narrative, they will find a way to escape. I know they will prove me right; and I swipe my card for the latest issue or a seat at this summer's blockbuster sequel.

More on the paintings and the artist:

All of the images presented in this post are by artist Simon Monk in a series of paintings called "Secret Identity". As Monk describes the series, "Placed in carrier bags and hung on a hook in a domestic space they become recently purchased objects, robbed of the enormous power they wield in their narratives, their dynamic energy stymied. Despite this reduction they remain irresistible in their cartoonish rage and pride."

Whereas I chose to concentrate on the heroes as consumer objects, Monk delves deeper for those inclined to take it to the next level. "…the bag conceals the superhero who in turn conceals their alter ego. These observations may be seen as roughly analogous to the situation of the painter. The visual fantasies which fill a painter's head must inevitably be reduced to an image, robbed of much of their superpower. Similarly the multifariousness of an individual's persona is condensed in the studio to that of the artist: a secret identity in itself." Note the names of the superhero paintings; each hero painting is named with the hero's non-super identity. The irony that many of the superhero prints in the series ultimately labeled as the artist's identity of Simon Monk, can also be purchased as prints, does not escape me. Additionally, Monk's way of looking at the artist as a secret identity in itself will forevermore be in my mind when I consume any art from this point forward.

I highly encourage you to visit the link and look at Monk's other works. Included are depictions of more everyday objects in bags and a landscape presented on a store's carryout bag, all of which I think reinforce his analogy of the visuals in a painter's head being reduced to images. Enjoy!

#comicbookart   #batman   #superman   #spiderman   #captainamerica  

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Real Life Conversation at the Zoo

I had this conversation at the zoo yesterday with a young boy while we were looking at these alligators.

Boy: They look so realistic.

Me: That's because they are real!

Boy: No, I mean video game realistic.

Me: ?!?!

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My Dream Pantry

Because. +Kyla Myers. Lol


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Bacon Jerky

Sigh. Of course I had to try it. For, like, science and stuff.


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Greedo lives for the moment

Because +Doug Savage and Savage Chickens, that's why!

If you don't have Doug circled and you call yourself a geek (or hey, even if other people call you a geek and you are in denial) go check him out. Circle him. Personally, I have the cartoons delivered to my e-mail, which is so much less depressing than the newspaper. A Savage Chicken cartoon in the morning is like oatmeal for the soul.

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The Keepers by Nicholas Scarpinato

"Picking up the sky to see what's underneath."

I am a huge fan of photo manipulation. Most of the times, I do silly mash-up projects with it, but when I see this, well, just wow. As always, visit the artist page and show him some love.

Image link:
Artist page:

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The Girl Who Wrote Haiku by Maha

I saw this photo go through the stream earlier today but it was a limited post. There is just something about certain images that touch us more than others. This is one to me. Love it. Definitely visit her page and show her some love, folks!

I plan to totally get lost in the 500px site later, too. Links below.

Shout out to +Marie L for her original post.

Image link:
Other photos by Maha:

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Doing it right

Don't get me wrong, I love Star Wars and I'll probably have a cheesy May the Fourth be with you post soon enough. But, c'mon, Tom Baker as Doctor Who is the Boss.

#doctorwho   #maythe4thbewithyou   #maythefourthbewithyou   #tombaker  

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Wookiee says what?

This is a May the Fourth drawing from a couple years back by deviantART user Beth T. It's as if someone crossed a Wookie with a Jawa. Love it. 😉

#starwars   #maythe4thbewithyou   #maythefourthbewithyou   #chewbacca  

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