Fortune Cookies Suck by Sandra D. Rivas

Oh, this could so easily be me. 😉

Make sure and check out her deviantART page; she has a lot of good work.

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30 Most Rewatchable Movies of the Modern Era

I ran across one blog's list of "most rewatchable" movies the other day. I know there are a million of these lists but it provides a starting point for this post.

For me, I agree with most of them and, embarrassingly, have not seen a few of them! Off the top of my head, I'd add True Romance, Aliens, Hangover, Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure, Napolean Dynamite, and Elf. I have to keep reminding myself this is "REWATCHABLE" not just favorite. There are quite a few favorite movies that I would not want to put on over and over and over.

I know I'm going to kick myself for ones I did not immediately think of as soon as you guys suggest a few others. I also starred the ones that I think are completely untouchable. 😉

30. Can’t Hardly Wait
29. Mean Girls
28. Grosse Point Blank
27. Ocean’s 11
26. Clueless
25. The Wedding Singer
24. Caddyshack
23. Empire Records
22. Galaxy Quest
21. Dodgeball
* 20. Star Wars
19. There’s Something About Mary
18. Big Trouble in Little China
17. Anchorman
16. The Incredibles
15. Stand By Me
14. Dirty Dancing
* 13. Groundhog Day
12. Happy Gilmore
11. Tommy Boy
10. Shaun of the Dead
* 9. The Breakfast Club
8. The Big Lebowski
* 7. Raiders of the Lost Ark
* 6. Office Space
* 5. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
4. Back to the Future
3. Ghostbusters
* 2. Die Hard
* 1. The Princess Bride

Edit: The picture on the post doesn't match the above list. I just grabbed something representative from Google Images.

Links to clips of all the above at the original blog post here:

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Happy Birthday Lacerant Plainer!

Other than a swell guy, who is this +Lacerant Plainer chap who his friends refer to as "The Alien"? Well, glad you asked! He is a writer and SF author who likes to post about Science and geeky stuff. He has a few Science Fiction stories called 'The Final Colony' and  'Orange Rock' on as well as 'The Judgement Conundrum', a version of which is free on Smashwords ( He also writes flashfiction stories at his blog.

Show him some G+ love, peeps! 🙂
#HappyAlienDayLacerantPlainer #gplususermashup   #moviemashuptuesday  +Mark Rodriguez +Isabelle Fortin 

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Learning French can be fun!

I have the overwhelming urge to purchase this shirt for +Yoon-Mi Kim. 😉

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Unicorn print by Sebastien Millon

Because, true. 😉


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Air Sharks!

This needs to be a movie and I want to see it!!!

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It all started innocently enough. Florida photog +Kari Tedrick flew into Indiana for a work conference and +Kristi Fahlsing and I drove down to HIRL with her in downtown Indy. Coincidentally, events coincided with +Chris Mallory's birthday, so we decided it would be most awesome to take him out for the evening. We grabbed #BigHeadChris  and away we went to the fine dining establishment named Dick's Last Resort ( After a good dinner and some drinks, and a run-in with the infamous #BigHeadJim +Jim Gomes inside (, we decided to head back to Kari's hotel and the club lounge.

Upon arrival at the 10th floor club, Kari swiped her access card and opened the doors to find none other than #BigHeadHalfdan  +Halfdan Reschat sitting at a table complaining about the American beer he was drinking to  #BigHeadYoon  +Yoon-Mi Kim. Apparently, the two of them had flown in from across the pond for a very surprise (and not at all stalker-like) visit. Even crazier, moonlighting for some extra cash in a cross-country trip, was New Yorker #BigHeadMatt  +matthew rappaport. He was just getting off shift so we invited him to stay and hang with us.

We asked Halfdan what they did for fun in his home country and, after another lecture on the quality of American beers, he said just two words, "Pillow fights." #BigHeadYoon , with a twinkle in her eye (some may call it an evil glint, but some may get punched), as if she had been awaiting just this moment, challenged #BigHeadHalfdan  to a match. Halfdan, more than confident with his American beer buzz, accepted the challenge and then said something about feathers and honor which we all assumed was a Danish thing. He picked up a pillow and proceeded to hand one to Yoon, but with a cackle (there's no doubt, regardless of the punches, it was a cackle) she flung open a service door and out popped #BigHeadDamian  +Damian Sanchez! "Nobody expects the #BigHeadDamian !" she squealed with delight to the surprised look on our faces. Well, all except Chris, sitting on the couch with Matthew, who, being from California, maintained the zen-like composure of one who has experienced many strange events.

With an ear-piercing shriek, which any familiar to Google Plus events knew to be the trademarked Sanchez Epic Manly Man Squee, #BigHeadDamian  picked up a pillow and faced off against #BigHeadHalfdan . The combatants circled each other slowly as #BigHeadMatthew  hummed the infamous Star Trek Pon Farr fight music. The battle raged mightily and in the climactic last round, which would determine the one true Big Head Pillow Fight Champion (all in caps because it's important) we were all surprised by +Mar Mai who had decided to make our HIRL her debut to revealing her true identity to the entire Plus world!

Halfdan and Damien, in recognition of this momentous event, called their battle a draw. Then, as an historic group shot was about to be taken, the battery on my phone (coincidentally the only phone anyone thought to bring) died. Ah well, we figured we would just get a phone from one of our rooms. But first, #BigHeadMatt  proposed a toast. He said it was a concoction he had recreated himself from the movie The Hangover. After a long-winded speech about Google Plus and Wolf Packs, we all drank (well, Mar had chocolate milk). That, my friends, is the last any of us remember. When we awoke, Mar was gone and all we had left were these photos. True.


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Star Wars 80's High School Re-Design

There were TOO many great images to pick from so I posted this collage. Check out all the images in artist Denis Medri's deviantART gallery.

The collage from top left, clockwise, Han and Chewie, Luke and Leia, Darth and Boba and Stormtrooper, Yoda and Ben, Lando and Greedo, Palpatine and Jabba and Tarkin,  C3PO and R2D2.

#starwars   #mashup  

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Paper Heroes

AWESOME AWESOME collection of paper heroes created by artist Xavier Gale-Sides that you can download and create. Many more pics and heroes at the link. PLEASE make sure and show him some love with his donate link if you decide to make any! Plus, put a link to your creation in the comments because I would love to see how they turn out! 🙂

#avengers   #xmen   #captainamerica   #ironman   #hulk   #thor   #wonderwoman   #batman   #papercraft   #paperart  

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Happy Birthday Chris Mallory!

So, +Kristi Fahlsing and I were hanging with Florida Photog +Kari Tedrick in Indy this weekend. Being as it was +Chris Mallory's birthday coming up, we took him to Dick's Last Resort to buy him a drink. Out of nowhere, #BigHeadJim  +Jim Gomes comes sauntering up to our table and taps Chris on the shoulder. The guys had to stand up to hear each other over the band right in front of our table. That's when we noticed they had both showed up in the same exact outfit! So awkward!

After party pic of Chris at Kari's hotel with +matthew rappaport in the club lounge:

Kristi and I ran into Chris birthday shopping with +Halfdan Reschat the next day:

#BigHeadJim  outside the restaurant:

#HappyBugsDayChrisMallory   #BigHeadJim   #BigHeadChris   #gplususermashup  

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Big Head Jim on the town!

#BigHeadJim ready to HIRL with +Kari Tedrick, +Kristi Fahlsing, and me!

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Steampunk Star Wars

Because, I never tire of Steampunk Star Wars. 😉

Artist Stabeor Basanescu created a series of images he calls, "La Guerre dans les Etoiles", or literally "war in the stars". His premise is that long before George Lucas conceived of the story, a Romanian had already drawn and published it in a recently unearthed book more than a 100 years old. Click through to the link to check out more.

#starwars   #steampunk  

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The Rough Truth by Meneer Marcelo

Meneer asks, "Does the man make the suit or does the suit make the man?" I liked the expression of the eyes on Tony Stark and the angle of the mouth on the Iron Man helmet. Fun accidental find. 😉

#tonystark   #ironman   #comicbookart  

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Friday Morning Super Hero Mash-Up!

Last week I shared an album of DC and Marvel characters in the style of Pixar by artist Phil Postma. +Bobbie Today commented on the Wonder Woman pic, "That, is SO. Me. lol In my mind, even."

So… mash-up. Obviously. 😉

Original Post:
Jump to the Image Gallery:

#gplususermashup   #wonderwoman  

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The Plumber's Quest by Florey

Last one by Florey today! How could I not post Mario? 😉 

Original is here:

Alternate version, The Other Plumber's Quest is here:

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Turtle's Quest by Florey

Here's another awesome image by Florey. Cowabunga! Had to say it. 😉

He's selling prints starting tomorrow; I guess earlier ones sold out.

Original image here:

#comicbookart   #tmnt   #teenagemutantninjaturtles  

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Happy Little Bad Guys

Aww! These are the cutest little mayhem makers anywhere!!!

Image credit to Florey:

#comicbookart   #villains  

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Star Wars is my Vietnam!

I just ran across this interview for the first time today. So much love for his attitude on the Star Wars flicks. Now, mind you, I would not give up my original action figures… but everyone deals with their trauma in their own way. 😉

They've remade Superman about 27 times. Maybe they can just redo the prequels… right?

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Rag and Bone

I don't remember what I was originally searching for on Google images, but I found this image and saved it in a browser tab to get back to later. (1) I love the image. It's an illustration by John Jude Palencar. (2) The picture accompanied a short story by Priya Sharma; I have not finished reading it yet, but I am enjoying it so far.

From the link:
“Rag and Bone,” by Priya Sharma, is about Tom, who buys unwanted household items and scavenges other materials (including bones) and resells them in an alternative 19th century Liverpool in which the wealthy use the poor for parts from the inside out, should they need them. Colorful, disturbing, and moving as Tom maneuvers warily between the masters he serves and the poor from whom he scavenges.

John Jude Palencar:

Rag and Bone Short Story:

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Strange "Tally Mark" Phenomena

When I woke up today, there was a mark on my arm; a single line that was not there when I had gone to bed. I sometimes write at night before falling asleep and it's not unusual to pass out with the pen open. However, the pen was laying capped on the bedside table. Something was nagging at my brain but the more I tried to figure out what it was, the more it just faded away like a dream. Something compelled me, though, to take a picture.

When I got out of the shower, not only was the first mark not washed away, but there was a second perpendicular line, a hash mark if you will. The pen from my bedside was also laying on the counter. I had an odd notion in my mind that I was just still sleepy and it was not a big deal. I am normally a curious sort, so I am not sure why I would just blow off strangely appearing lines. I took another picture before getting dressed and ready for work. I did, however put the pen in my shirt pocket.

Before leaving home, I went to grab a quick breakfast drink from the fridge and when I opened the door, I saw three strange marks on my arm. Something in my brain was urging me to get to the office but before shutting the fridge door I snapped a picture. It felt like déjà vu so I checked the gallery and I had two other pictures. I determined that I would think about it later because I really needed to get going.

On the drive to the office, I distinctly remember having one of those moments where suddenly you are several miles down the road and you do not remember turns or traffic signals or landmarks up to that point. Wow, I must really have been daydreaming. I glanced down to make sure I was not speeding and there were four marks on my arm. With a prickly sensation at the base of my neck and goosebumps rising on my arms, I quickly glanced around the car. Same air freshener. Same dusty everything. My computer bag, however was on the back seat instead of tucked neatly behind me on the floor like I always put it every trip. I got involved in the news on the radio and continued on to work.

Later, surfing Google Plus at my desk between tasks, I started seeing pictures of hash marks on other people posted to their profiles. I think it was +Jo Lane where I first saw it, and then +David Mills. There were even more as I dug deeper. I looked down at my own arm. There were five marks. I checked my phone and there were pictures of one, two, three, and four marks. I took a picture of the four lines with the cross hatch connecting them. What the heck? The confusion did not last long as I remembered how many tasks I needed to attend to, so I went about my routine.

As happens often at work, the day gets chopped up into a lot of pieces and I can not always account for where I spent most of my time. When it does not add up, I blame talking to colleagues or, of course the time suck that is Google Plus when you are not careful. I pulled my phone from my pocket to check the time and a pen fell out. When I picked it up, I saw hash marks on my arm. There were eight.

I sat down to write this post… but for the life of me, as I type, I do not remember why.

#impossibleastronautday #thesilence #doctorwho #whovian #whovians #silencewillfall  

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