Goofy Luke

Posting because this is how I always pictured Luke. Not a t-shirt I'm tempted to buy. I must have a fever. 😉

#starwars   #lukeskywalker   #atatwalkers   #pinata   #tshirtdesigns  

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Ninjas vs. Vikings

I post this knowing that I might paralyze +Mary C. (the Viking Ninja Bunny herself) in trying to decide who should emerge victorious! If there were bunnies too, I'd have to send the paramedics for her. 😉

Not familiar with Mary? Like wonderful art, photos, and personality? Go check her out!

#vikings   #ninjas   #tshirtdesigns  

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Aren't you a little short for a Stormtrooper?

Image credit:

#starwars   #stormtrooper   #gumby  

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Samurai Penguin Quentin

If you are familiar with +Meirav M., you know that she is not often seen without her penguin Quentin. To wish her a Happy Birthday today, I delve into the secret past of her faithful sidekick in a mash-up with a most awesome series of comic books from the mid 80's. Happy Birthday Meirav!

Also, the inimitable +Mary C. created the cutest birthday penguin for Meirav earlier this morning.

Comics can be found at:


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Keyboard Pants

"No, officer, I was sending an e-mail."

Extracted from the link: Built into the knees are a pair of crotch rocking speakers. Around back you have the added convenience of a back pocket for your “mouse”. And for you gamers, there is even a joystick controller located just behind the front zipper. O.o

#HappyBirthdayCharlieTheGeek #wearabletech  

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Final Birthday Mash-Up for Charlie Hoover

It was very early by the time I got to this one in Photoshop and I was probably a bit punchy. For some reason, +Charlie Hoover, I could see you moving on and up from your host position of the infamous Google Plus Geek Question of the Day #gqotd  to your own talk-show to building an entire media empire, complete with your own magazine. Mind you, for some reason, I also saw you with big poofy hair, earrings, a smart outfit, and +Dirk Reul as your personal doctor. Probably a good thing the sandman finally came…

Oh yes… Mandatory question for our resident media empire geek, Mister Charlie Hoover!
If you could be given all the wealth, resources, and ability to become a Dark Knight crime-fighting machine like Batman, but you had to change genders, would you do it? 😉

Special blame thanks to +Kristi Fahlsing for helping me come up with some of the kookiness. 😉


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What's in your wallet garbage?

I was throwing away a cup and stopped, for some reason, to stare at the contents of my office garbage container. Dark chocolate with chile, diet Snapple, Starbucks (tea), and migraine medicine. Yup. Typical.

So, what's in your wallet garbage? C'mon, you know you want to say it like Alec Baldwin…

Capital One Venture Card Commercial "Airport"

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Late Night with Charlie Hoover

Cue the band music! They're playing Happy Birthday for Geek Question of the Day ( #gqotd ) host +Charlie Hoover!

Geek question (for Mister Hoover):
A secret cabal of network executives, in an attempt to create the perfect late night talk show host, developed a mutant virus with the intent of slipping it into select host's coffee mugs. Stephen Colbert and John Stewart, upon finding out they were never even considered, stole the formula and took it to Oprah. Oprah, angered by the network infidels used the powers at her disposal to mutate the formula further and paid her top spy Guillermo to secretly distribute the formula to ALL late night hosts. Your question, good Mister Hoover, is three-fold, (1) what super mutant powers do the hosts develop, (2) who turns into a super hero and who turns into a super villain, and (3) what super groups would form?

Please check out Charlie's stream and, especially, his Geek Question of the Day posts. He's engaging, and an awful nice fellow. He also looks exactly like Conan O'Brien, which is uncanny.


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Happy Birthday Charlie Hoover, host of Geek Question of the Day!

Look up Geek Question of the Day #gqotd  over at +Charlie Hoover's stream! It's intelligent, it's witty, and it's fun. I would participate more but it gets so many darn comments that I find myself lurking and reading more than talking!

So… (1) Check it out. (2) Today, please wish the host a Happy Birthday and, even better, throw him a geeky question!

My Question:
If you could turn any of Darth Vader's force power into something quite silly (think people sprouting daisies on their head instead of being force choked) what would it be, and how would it change the Star Wars universe?

Edit: It it's not talking, click the pic for animation! 😉 I am having some trouble lip-reading… can someone translate what he's saying?


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Birthday Mash-Up Friday!

Happy Birthday to +Matt Ingrouille!!! For, well, reasons, Matt will be taking the place of Jason Statham in the future Transporter movies. Matt is joined by the lovely +Cheryl Ingrouille. Hope you have a great birthday! 🙂

#gplususermashup   #moviemashuptuesday  (on Friday)

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R.I.P. Jonathan Winters

Jonathan Winters passed away of natural causes at his Montecito, California home at 6:45 p.m. PDT on April 11, 2013, surrounded by family and friends. He was 87 years old.

I remember him most from one of my favorite old comedy movies, It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World. One of the true great comedians!
It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World on IMDB:

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Cartoon Styled Bags

I am loving these bags from JumpFromPaper! Okay, though, seriously, more laptop bags! Many more pictures at the links.

“It's not a man purse, its a satchel. Indiana Jones has one.”
~ Alan, from The Hangover

Official site:
Country specific sales:
FAB has the orange "Cheese" style on sale for the next month:

#laptopbags   #purse   #satchel   #design  

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Obligatory Joined Google+ Directory Post

Added my profile to the! #138774

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Find People on Google+, . Filter people by name, interests, locations – Google+ Directory, Find people on Google+ who share your interests, list yourself to the directory and let your connections fi…

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The Walking Peanuts

This Zombie and Peanuts mash-up courtesy of the folks at ShirtPunch. Designed by Jared Moraitis.

From Jared: "Lucy hasn't been herself lately. Ever since she got bitten by that drifter hobo fellow, she's been acting strange and moaning a lot. And don't even get me started on what happened during this year's "football kick" attempt… blood everywhere. It looks like Lucy has gotten bored with snatching the football away from poor old Charlie, and snatched his legs off instead!"

#zombies   #thewalkingdead   #peanuts   #charliebrown   #mashup   #tshirtdesigns  

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Dedicated to all my G+ peeps

I ran across this quote the other day and it has really stuck with me.

sonder n. The realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own — populated with their own ambitions, friends, routines, worries, and inherited craziness — an epic story that continues invisibly around you like an anthill sprawling deep underground, with elaborate passageways to thousands of other lives that you'll never know existed, in which you might appear only once, as an extra sipping coffee in the background, as a blur of traffic passing on the highway, as a lighted window at dusk.

Because of the interactions here on G+, there are so many of you who are not just random passersby or forever unknown to me. Maybe we will still never be more than blips in each other's streams, partners in silly conversations, or brief hangout buddies. Or, maybe we will become lifelong friends as I know to be true of some of you already. Maybe we will meet in real life, as has also already happened for me and I plan to meet others as soon as we are able. If G+ were to disappear tomorrow, I would be sad to lose out on friendships still being cultivated and the potential for more that I have not even started. If the people I have become close with through this medium were to disappear, it would be a loss akin to a meteor strike at my family reunion. Things would never be the same. Thank you to all of you for enriching my time not just online, but on this planet.

Credits: I ran across the image containing the quote searching for something else entirely; I do not remember what but it was probably something to use in a Photoshop mash-up to punk +Dirk Reul in a #gplususermashup . 😉 From what I can tell, the quote comes from The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows.

#quotes   #gplusis  

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Tropical frog? Look close!

In this body paint illusion, five nudes morph into a brightly-colored frog. Awesome pic! 😉

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Game of Thrones and James Brown Mash-up

Just. Wow!

Props to DJrozroz for this one!

#gameofthrones   #jamesbrown   #mashup  

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My Little Trek Into Darkness

Star Trek Into Darkness and My Little Pony mash-up trailer! This has been out a few months buy I just saw it today! So much love for the way they put this together! Tag +Mary C. of course. 😉

#startrek   #startrekintodarkness   #mylittlepony   #mashup  

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The water cooler may have broken but that did not slow down +Keith Cramer at the office. I remember back in college, this would have been beer. 😉

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Mash it ALL Up!

This mash-up started as just Halfdan in his shark jammies with bunny Dirk. Then, I just started adding bits and pieces to it from past mash-ups until I ended up with this mash-up party! I wish I could have added even more people, but I ran out of room! 😉

Back row:
+Tara Mulder From her Dirk birthday post.
+Allen Simpson From his birthday mash-up.
+Keely Brubaker From #10MinuteHero .
+Mar Mai Author of The Dragon Tutor.
+Fluffy McSharkah Khan Halfdan's faithful companion.

Middle row:
#Reulek From… well, everywhere!
+Dirk Reul Mash-up veteran extraordinaire.
+Halfdan Reschat From his secret world.
+Jo Lane Original #10MinuteHero a.k.a. Cowgirl.
+Kyla Myers From Mar Mai's art.

Front row:
+Charlie Hoover Friday night hangout host. In a jar.
+Carrie Canup Also in a jar. Love the face!
+Michael Bennett Also in a jar.
+Jim Gomes From G+ babies mash-up.
+Andrew Clifton-Brown Also from baby mash-up.
+Annette Holland Also in a jar.
+Emilio Boronali NEW in a jar. Veteran of past mash-ups.
+Scott Cramer Just some dork.


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