Your mission is to take this profile photo of +Keith Cramer and mash it up. Best representation of my cantankerous pot-stirring brother wins. Judging will be totally subjective so knowing both him and me will get you far. Share with others or tag in interested or interesting parties. 😉
If you don't have a lot of time, don't spend a lot of time! Quick and dirty is the name of the game. Photoshop him or print him out and manipulate him in the real world and take a pic. Special consideration to anything involving explosives or involving multiple users (or both). Basically, whatever you can think of. 😉
POST your entry to your profile as a public share and link to it in the comments here or submit via pm to me. Automatic winning entry if I see the entry on the nightly news for you real go-getters.
+Halfdan Reschat henchfolk especially encouraged to use their dastardly ways to get an edge on the competition. Winner will be announced sometime this next weekend depending on public participation.
Prizes? Sure. I'll think of something good, and it will be tangible. I don't welch. Look me up. Ask around.
I did a rough cut-out in both PSD and PNG format available for download (or go to his profile and grab the original):
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Post imported by Google+Blog. Created By Daniel Treadwell.
50 tags ingrained in my brain or recently seen (that have not already posted or been tagged) 😉 +Dustin Cochran +Kristi Fahlsing +Caroline Evebetty +Emilio Boronali +Kyla Myers +Kari Tedrick +Jim Gomes +Rhonda Stewart +matthew rappaport +Aldric Newberry +Laurie Morrison +Jake Marquart +Amanda Rachelle Warren +Allen Simpson +Claudio Ibarra +Mz Maau +Amy Gabriel +Damian Sanchez +Jun C +Tiffany Henry +Scot Duke +Dan Wilcox +Jacqueline Hodsdon +Kaydie Wells +Mellie B +Sheila Garl +Jera Wolfe +Sean Cowen +Luis Roca +Bud Hoffman +Jack Hardman +Søren Dalsgaard Brath +Mary C. +Eddie Yasi +Salvio Giglio +Nunzia Nullo +Chad Wilson +Helena Bertinelli +Thomas Leatherwood +Dagui Pierro +Becky Gimbert +Meirav Berale +Roger Murley +Basil Doeringsfeld +Jesús Segura +Marcus Holloway +Ajda Boksic Filipovic +Dirk Reul +Andrew Clifton-Brown +James Hamel
+Bearman Cartoons with speed and spirit and much humor! 😉
+Doug Stryker
i put my pic in hands of lovely and most famous Italian photo shoppers- couple Mrs and Mr +Salvio Giglio and +Nunzia Nullo !!! what they do to this- is like i did it! ;)))))
I'm in!
Ninjette vanishes back into the internet aether… but shall return… soon…
+King Uke you might be interested in this little photoshop fun time too. 😛
Say what?? Once I'm off mobile…I'm gonna…ummm…
<proceeds to dial the phone>
btw, I can vouch for Scott. He comes through on the prizes. And if you are lucky you get a few hundred yards of bubble wrap as a bonus!
No promises, as I'm not a graphic designer, but I'll see what I can come up with. #kcidasihtiek
Emerging from the shadows the Viking Ninjette drops a LOL-Bomb on the crowd.
Will share out once home.
Heh… Enjoying the entries! I can already tell judging is going to be difficult!
+Jim Gomes I see what you did there… 😉
I had to do one more…
I'm sooooo glad you did +Kyla Myers! Still laughing!
Had to go back and add lasers, as is proper:
+Kimberly Chapman Not sure how I missed tagging you above…!
You brothers have the funnest games! Might have to try and make one when I get home 🙂
+Cliff Loresco Love to see it!!!
I totally lost, but you did inspire me to create my first photo alteration in GIMP. I have no skills.
(I'm a boat captain!!)
i have an idea and no way to execute it. sigh
No losers when defacing +Keith Cramer! Will also allow dirty limericks +Amanda Rachelle Warren *hint hint*
you can do it +Mellie B
Oho. Limericks I can do.
+Mellie B Teamwork encouraged! Group source!
We canz help you if needed, +Mellie B
+Capin Chip, you're good at limericks…
any volunteers? fluttering lashes
Will have a play at it after Harry Potter movie time…
? ?
+Basil Doeringsfeld Thinking outside the box. 😉 However, I think you crashed my phone! Lol
The obvious route:
+Roger Murley But classic! 😉
I'll help if you need it, +Mellie B
Damn, just tried to play it on my phone and crashed it too! Keith is so gnarley he can crash phones at will!
It's an animated gif, for one, and it's a direct PicasaWeb link, for two. It might help if you post it, and then view it in the phone's flash-enabled browser.
Nah, I've loaded them onto posts too, doesn't work that way either. Maybe in a few years… lol
Huh. Works just fine in my phone.
Keith Crockett
oh gosh and here's me with half an hour to kill and gimp right here..
lol +Mat Brown
Oh, I think that one gets my vote, +Mat Brown.
There. Keeping in mind I don't have Photoshop…I used +Scott Cramer:
OMG, perfect, Kimberly!
Back when I used to have time and boredom and things, I used to play around with Anthony LaPaglia's head in Windows Paint:
Jeez, I miss Paint. And free time.
All the designs have been great and really well done so far! uhm.. hey I am Summer Glau.. +Mary C. 😛
+Mat Brown That's going to require a really drunk sailor! 😉
+Kimberly Chapman OMG! Laughing my butt off AND really creeped out all at the same time!!!
+Dirk Reul as Summer Glau… My world has turned upside down.
OMG! Laughing my butt off AND really creeped out all at the same time!!!
#acheivementunlocked >:D
Check out these photos on +Kristi Fahlsing's stream. We had a little creative fun with +Keith Cramer's photo earlier. 😉
Oh my.. and it is only early morning for me 😛
Fluffy McSharkah Khan says hi to +Keith Cramer:
Great imaginations on some of these posts! Totally fun… not sure I could even compete with such greatness! 🙂
+Mz Maau , I hope you are satisfied at the mischief you have caused. This one was done rapidly in +Kimberly Chapman, it's halfway between Paint and Photoshop).
Personally, I think +Kyla Myers 's laser entry was the bestest, not that the others are half bad at all.
Dear +Scott Cramer
but you invite us to the wedding! We distort the face of Keith will be a real pleasure … you want Keith thinner? It will be done! And we will do so in the name of our dear friend +Ajda Boksic Filipovic who has given us a mandate to do so!
+Jacqueline Hodsdon Throw anything into the mix! Quick and dirty is as worthy as Photoshop Picasso!
If we reach a record number of entries, I will have to do something special.
+Salvio Giglio I await with anticipation and wacky laughter! Ahaaaaahahahaaaa!
Oh my! Nice! At work right now…. but I will see what I can do! Thanks so much for the inclusion +Scott Cramer , :-).
Hmm… a picture of you with a +Keith Cramer mask at work… Printout and scissors. Voila! Done before coffee break. Extra points for coworker involvement. 😉
+Salvio Giglio hola at ya bro! good work then!! may the good force be with you!! Here- empire need you and Nunzietta!! <3
+Scott Cramer …. I mean this is really a quick and dirty one… haven't seen all that have responded so if I duplicated anyone….sorry!!!
+Jacqueline Hodsdon cool!!! :))
Tee hee +Ajda Boksic Filipovic … thanks… done under pressure, ha!
+Jacqueline Hodsdon lolol. All the best things are done under pressure ;))
This came up on my screen this morning whilst doing some research. Full story on original post here:
(Edited link to point to correct image.)
Here's a better screenshot of the offending security message on my pc:
+Jacqueline Hodsdon Excellent entry and incorporation of an excellent Captain. Amazing how you know that Keith shows up to work all the time with a drag queen swagger and Captain Jack Sparrow mascara…
+Damian Sanchez Big Brother is my Little Brother?! Oy!
+Sheila Garl's entry:
+Allen Simpson, where are 'ya?!
Wups, sorry. Thanks for linking mine in.
Tee hee +Scott Cramer …. that connection came real quick! 🙂
We're going to need a bigger boat.
+Salvio Giglio, that's not a link to a post.
+Salvio Giglio +100!!! 🙂
Uh, +Scott Cramer , I think the IT department here is snooping in…their security message has been updated.
Pardon… correct link is this:
+Ajda Boksic Filipovic
correct link is:
This is my idea:
+Nunzia Nullo +10000000 !!!! lolol 🙂
Wow… I've been offline for the past 16 hours — I've got some catching up to do. I'm frickin' famous! All of these events in my life that I have no memory of — It's time to start catching up.
I'm going to take a half hour G+ break. I don't think it's going to be enough!
+Nunzia Nullo I need help with your concept. This is what I come up with: #amidoingitright ?
+Allen Simpson I went in a slightly different direction with the Titanic Theme. 😉
+Mellie B that is hilarious
one more a little more quick and dirty but i got to put a porn-stache on keith lol
+Damian Sanchez I'm having trouble with +Nunzia Nullo's connect-the-dot entry too!
This post is overflowing with awesome sauce. Way to go Scott!
Entry for submission is here:
I need to watch that flick again +Jim Gomes! Good one!!
((plops two more just for the heck of it))
i really have nothing else to do today
FYI – I took the definition of "crude" to a whole new level with this one!
Is that because we can't see Gilligan's hand?!
lol +Sergio Garza, looks like you used a real copier, and real paste on that one. Nice!
Oh… THAT kind of crude. Gotcha. Sorry…
hahahha +Scott Cramer I'll leave that to the imaginiation…
+Basil Doeringsfeld lol I seriously have the worst skills….. EVER
You should make this an event so it's easier to post pics to
+Kyla Myers so smart. <3 <3
+Kyla Myers I was thinking hashtag, but event is way better. +Scott Cramer you can still create an event and we can add pictures to it after the fact.
last one ….for now anyway
+Allen Simpson They just keep getting better 😉
+Kyla Myers +Jim Gomes Hm. I have not played with events yet. Where does it store everything when you post pictures to it? I have enough trouble keeping up with notifications on the web-based and mobile-based systems. Worried it will be one more thing…
+Scott Cramer it creates a separate event photo album for photos submitted to the event. It's actually quite easy to manage, and works great on mobile, too. Just create an event, and invite us to it. We will then have an ability to add photos to the event. For those who are "watching" the event, the photos will pop up in real-time, and they can even choose to display them in a slide-show fashion.
I think you can make it a public event too, so anybody can join. You don't have to limit it.
One day my notes will work right.. :/
Fantastic job everyone!
+The Final Colony – Author Lacerant Plainer: OP here, for linking your entry. – here is the link!
Bingo.. I have one..
Will be posting in a little while..
i dont think Clint was very fair to Keith last night
After some
work for hirework for snark, I decided to make my own version.
just cant ….stop
This photo challenge has inspired me to make a contest of my very own. It is all written up and ready to launch, but I'll wait with announcing it until this Keith-challenge has ended and +Scott Cramer has chosen a winner. It will be the first contest since the launch of Henchfolk Points which directly includes points.
Introducing.. his Royalness..
+Halfdan Reschat YAY!
+Mellie B, good to hear you're ready for what is to come. (My interpretation.)
Yes I am 😀
well, I'm excited to see the details 😉
one day your plots will be too nefarious for even my participation…
ultimate mash up kids…enjoy
+Allen Simpson, you just keep 'em coming. Awesome!
+Mellie B, you'll have to wait until this +Keith Cramer mashup-thing is over. But I promise you that you once again have to call upon your (or your servants') artistic abilities.
+Google+, I'm disappointed in you for stopping notifying me about new comments to this post after the 100th comment. Shame on you.
this one is courtesy of +Rich Griffith
just wasnt good enough yet
So much judging to do! You guys took this over the top.
+Chad Wilson where are you??
+Caroline Evebetty where are you??
I got busy today. I will try and mash up his head onto a hula girl pic tomorrow night.
+Chad Wilson sounds very painful for me.
and hop:
My daughter's entry:
Another +Kristi Fahlsing and daughter entry can be found here:
Contest is coming to a close. Video here:
+Keith Cramer +Kristi Fahlsing +Bearman Cartoons +James Hamel +Ajda Boksic Filipovic +Kyla Myers +Mary C. +Kari Tedrick +Jim Gomes +Mz Maau +Amanda Rachelle Warren +Cliff Loresco +Mellie B +Kimberly Chapman +Luis Roca +Basil Doeringsfeld +Roger Murley +Mat Brown +Dirk Reul +Halfdan Reschat +Jacqueline Hodsdon +Jyoti Dahiya +Salvio Giglio +Nunzia Nullo +Damian Sanchez +Allen Simpson +Sheila Garl +Sergio Garza +Aldric Newberry +Becky Gimbert +Lacerant Plainer +Emilio Boronali +Caroline Evebetty +Chad Wilson
Please tag any interested party that I forgot. Many thanks to all of you wonderful people with great senses of humor; especially to my little bro for playing along fantastically. 🙂
+Rich Griffith
Thanks! For me and +Salvio Giglio was a real pleasure!!!
😀 😀 😀
Just remember who gave you revenge for a previous humiliation…oh sure, some of the others were technically more adept, but perhaps there need to be Special Achievement Awards. And lest you think that's entirely self-serving, I nominate +Mellie B's French Girl drawing for Picture That Spawned The Best Rajeeving. <— hell yes I've verbed it.
If not too late : DOUBLE COMBO! =
Not too late! Earliest I can start judging is tomorrow! 😉
+Kimberly Chapman thanks 🙂
and the most comments, overall 😉
becos u r sew hottt +Mellie B.
+Kimberly Chapman u sxy 2 baybee
just creamed my panties cos u said that omg
Im definatly willing to concede to +Mellie B having the best mash up i laughed so hard the entire coffee shoppe turned and looked at me like i was a fool lol.
But i do request you rank them in some way because i desperatly crave the aproval of others on everything i create. lol
I just plus 1d +Allen Simpson because I'm always happy to enable an addiction.
Wanna cookie?
Lol thanks
Better late than never, right?
+Mark Drysdale Words to live by! And… totally in the judging since I have not announced anything yet. 😉
Let the voting begin! The Sweet Sixteen has been posted!
Whew. I apologize if you got notified a bazillion times about the voting. I put the same comment on most of the original entry posts. Next time… I don't think I'll do that. Dang, took a while.
+Scott Cramer, and you write the excuse in a post which people aren't notified about due to it having passed the 100 comments mark.
For those of you who were not direct notified, voting on the Elite 8 has begun! Thanks again, everyone, for participating. You're a great bunch of Pleeps! Vote here:
Yes, yes, 100 comments. I know. But someone might check here. Maybe. aybe… ybe.. be… e…
Final 4 Voting Starts NOW! The Elite 8 was a blood bath, so I called it.
Vote for the ultimate +Keith Cramer mash-up! That's right. The THUNDERDOME CAGEMATCH FINALE has arrived.