Powerful Open Apology from Former Weight Loss Consultant

This is amazing. Everyone with diet and/or food issues should read it. So, pretty much everyone should read it. Best thing I have read in a while.

An Open Apology To My Former Weight Loss Clients – http://huff.to/1eOWuNu

#diet #weightloss

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An Open Apology To My Former Weight Loss Clients
I’m sorry because every time you ate something you “shouldn’t” or ate more than you “should,” I talked about “getting back on the bandwagon.” I cringe now every time someone uses that phrase. When did the way we eat become a bandwagon? When did everyone stop eating and become professional dieters?

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4 Responses to Powerful Open Apology from Former Weight Loss Consultant

  1. Nesbi Maret says:

    Great post

  2. Meirav M. says:

    +100 and more. Thank you so much for sharing this.

  3. Scott Cramer says:

    You are most welcome. This is going in my "to remember to always remind daughter" folder.

  4. Meirav M. says:

    oh yes! if I'd have heard this when I was younger…

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