Pre-Award Ceremony

+Chad Wilson was the winner of +Keith Cramer's #cheeriochallenge competition. In honor of his prestigious victory of stacking 22 Cheerios, Keith made him a custom award. Now that Chad has had time to receive the trophy and place it amongst his prize possessions, we thought we would share the pictures from the secret pre-award ceremony. 😉

Congrats again Chad!

Keith's last challenge post:
All the official scores:

Chad's trophy post:

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19 Responses to Pre-Award Ceremony

  1. John Ryce says:

    I licked it, so it's mine! Congraulations anyway.. what an honor!

  2. Keith Cramer says:

    It would have been rude not to taste test it first… Right?

  3. Damian Sanchez says:

    I don't feel so jealous anymore…

  4. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    I'm a pretty good photographer, aren't I? hee hee. Isn't that why the trophy had to be put back together?? 😉

  5. Keith Cramer says: had to be put back together because my nimble fingers cracked him off at the ankles when I tried to wrap him in bubble wrap…

  6. Chad Wilson says:

    I thought there was a hint of extra class and mojo on it.  😀

  7. Aldric Newberry says:

    And I'm happy I lost..

  8. Scott Cramer says:

    You should have seen the pic with +Kristi Fahlsing that was edited out… #justsayin

  9. Keith Cramer says:

    No worries.. I wouldn't have reeeaaally licked it. I can't have random DNA samples flying around. For all I know, +Chad Wilson might be some genius geneticist. Nobody wants a +Keith Cramer clone cruising around G+.

    We already have to deal with +Halfdan Reschat 's evil twin after all.

  10. Chad Wilson says:

    Pfft.  Your fingers touched every cheerio, and the glue, and the wood, and plastic.  I have plenty of Cramer DNA to create my army of chimeras!  Mwuhahahahahahahaha!  Fly my little Goat-Otter-Cramer-Monkeys!  Fly!

  11. Keith Cramer says:

    Drat…he's right. Evidently I let my goats, otters, and monkeys get too close to the trophy too. Foiled again.

  12. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    Duh, +Keith Cramer, I know the "real" reason the trophy broke. Didn't you see my "wink?" Golly gee, you make being funny difficult sometimes!

  13. Aldric Newberry says:

    I refuse to mail any cheerios now that I know it has my DNA on it..

  14. Scott Cramer says:

    I'd rather like having a goat otter monkey chimera. Should have inhaled licked.

  15. Chad Wilson says:

    I am hoping that someone with photochop skills can draw up my chimera.

  16. Scott Cramer says:

    +Chad Wilson Now I'm going to have to walk out to the car in my underwear to get my laptop.

  17. Halfdan Reschat says:

    This was kind of expected.

    Wait, you didn't do similar stuff to the things you sent me, right? Because that food is long eaten (well, expect for the princess soup which everyone still is afraid to try).

  18. Scott Cramer says:

    Nope. Totally safe food. You verified all the packaging seals right? hides glue gun

  19. matthew rappaport says:

    Nice +Chad Wilson ..congrats on being STACKED!
    Here's the entry I did with +Jane Ellen for the Doubles #cheeriochallenge  :

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