Presenting Andrew van Clifton-Brown

I heard someone call +Andrew Clifton-Brown an expressionist so this seemed a truly fitting mash-up for him. I found out just before I was done that they actually said exhibitionist; so… when you look at this, just pretend he's not wearing any pants. 😉

#gplususermashup   #vangogh  
Andrew Clifton-Brown / Vincent van Gogh Self Portrait Mash-Up

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42 Responses to Presenting Andrew van Clifton-Brown

  1. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    What are these pants things you talk of +Scott Cramer? It's free fall all the way for me!

    Oh, I'll get you back. And your little dawg!

  2. Brooke Methvin says:

    Eeh..looks like some who I use to know..too much alike

  3. Scott Cramer says:

    +Andrew Clifton-Brown, have you been impersonating +Brooke Methvin's friends again? I thought we talked about this! Stern look

  4. Brooke Methvin says:

    I am confused

  5. Steven Spence says:

    fantastic +Scott Cramer !

  6. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    I tried to Scott, but then I remembered I'm from South London, and probably better geek educated than +Brooke Methvin friend and so didn't feel the need to point this out to her. Let alone the fact that I look nothing like my farmer Giles photo there!

  7. Brooke Methvin says:

    Uhh just giving a voice.. calm down

  8. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    Eh? Humour. We brits use it occasionally 😉

  9. Nikki Cartlidge says:

    Nice one Scott!

  10. Brooke Methvin says:

    Just saying.. randomly…nothing implied.. I just thought he looked like one of my friends

  11. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    And nothing inferred. Was just playing as per the tone of the post!

  12. Dirk Reul says:

    This is so perfect! 
    Still both ears? :p

  13. Anna Robertson Davis says:

    I can confirm that this is ACB's summer look. He does love a lime green poncho.

  14. Scott Cramer says:

    +Brooke Methvin It's how we roll. 😉

    +Andrew Clifton-Brown Farmer Giles? Have you been taking notes from Dirk on how to give me new ideas? 😉

    +Dirk Reul I believe the statement I heard was "exhibitionist with a prosthetic…" So, I suppose that could have meant an ear…….

    +Steven Spence +Nikki Cartlidge Tank you veddy much! 😉

  15. Brooke Methvin says:

    Haha OK 🙂

  16. Dirk Reul says:

    +Scott Cramer did you bring the sac of marbles?

  17. Scott Cramer says:

    +Anna Robertson Davis I always love it when art mimics reality! 😉

  18. Brooke Methvin says:

    I thought I offended someone ><

  19. Dirk Reul says:

    We are incredibly hard to offend, +Brooke Methvin 🙂

  20. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    +Scott Cramer I've already got pay back in sight. Just need to get a few bits and I'll shoot it from scratch….

  21. Dirk Reul says:

    Oh lawd I just read that as crotch O_O

  22. Brooke Methvin says:

    Wow i'm oblivious >.o

  23. Scott Cramer says:

    #intrigured  +Andrew Clifton-Brown  #mashupwar  😉

    +Brooke Methvin Stick around. This is a great group of peeps.

    +Dirk Reul I think we should adopt her. 😉

  24. Dirk Reul says:

    I will get the NDA, +Scott Cramer !

  25. Scott Cramer says:

    And the Holy Book of Initiation. 😉

  26. Dirk Reul says:

    It is still a bit sticky from last time, damn cocktails with all the sugar.

  27. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    Heh.  You said.


  28. Scott Cramer says:

    Gimme Some Sugar, Baby….

  29. Kyla Myers says:

    This came out so well! And for once you didn't blame me.

  30. Brooke Methvin says:

    +Dirk Reul awesomesauce

  31. Brooke Methvin says:

    now i'm completely lost 0.0

  32. Brooke Methvin says:

    +Dirk Reul amen! a great group 🙂

  33. Brooke Methvin says:

    i'm..stickin'! lol ><

  34. Dirk Reul says:

    Welcome +Brooke Methvin 🙂

  35. Brooke Methvin says:

    thank ya +Dirk Talamasca  🙂

  36. Scott Cramer says:

    +Kyla Myers Yeah… Now that I remember, you did set me on the course to the Van Gogh because of the straw hat. 😉

    +Kyla Myers full instigator credit, +Andrew Clifton-Brown.

  37. Kyla Myers says:

    Oops, should have kept my big mouth shut. Curses.

  38. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    Neither of you will make it out of this un-scathed +Scott Cramer. I have some James Franco performance art type shenanigans lined up for you.  +Kyla Myers could just give me cake and she'd get a pass 😉

  39. Kyla Myers says:


  40. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    Who am I kidding.  She gets a pass anyway!

  41. Scott Cramer says:


  42. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    You chicken!

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