Public Nuisance – Corrected Picture

Ah… I just realized on my earlier post, I attached the wrong image. This is the face daughter and niece told me to make. The one I mistakenly posted was my, "What are you doing?" skeptical face. Or, as I like to call it, my face. 😉

See a couple of posts back for context. Sorry for spamming my face. :-/

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17 Responses to Public Nuisance – Corrected Picture

  1. Mellie B says:

    Omg blocked and reporting

  2. Scott Cramer says:

    Sigh. Inevitable. 😉

  3. Scott Cramer says:

    You wouldn't believe how many times security has eyeballed me. Lol

  4. Mellie B says:

    Lol. I would, actually.

  5. Tazein Mirza Saad says:

    Nice! +Scott Cramer

  6. Scott Cramer says:

    The Walmart knocking over the giant inflated Rudolph fiasco was the best.

  7. Chris Mallory says:

    I thought your previous photo you were going for the "Mckayla Maroney is not impressed" face 😛

  8. Sheila B. DuBois says:

    +Scott Cramer  they can't take you anywhere LOL LOL

  9. Scott Cramer says:

    +Chris Mallory Omg! I never realized that's what that looked like. Been doing that since she was naught but a twinkle. 😉

  10. Chris Mallory says:

    hipster +Scott Cramer  😉

  11. Dirk Reul says:

    This is almost, blue steel material <_<

  12. Brigitte Wooten says:

    I think I saw you lingering around the dressing room and lingerie.
    How did those pics turn out?

  13. Scott Cramer says:


  14. Mellie B says:

    spits coffee everywhere

  15. Scott Cramer says:

    And now, sticky, apparently. 😉

  16. Mellie B says:


  17. Brigitte Wooten says:


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