At Target with daughter and niece and they said, "Here, put these on," without showing me the style. Then, "OK, now give us your phone and do this with your lips." So, I did.Public Nuisance At Target with daughter and niece and they said, “Here, put these on,” without showing me the style. Then, “OK, now give us your phone and do this with your lips.” So, I did.
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That's hilarious and cute.
So how do you like Google Glasses?
I, for one, like it.
I like the way those two operate.
+Richard Forbes I somehow expected more… But at least they don't make you look ridiculous. 😉
Spreading more hilarious nuisance. Awesome! Great job gals!
high fives to the gals!
Lol. I just noticed I totally posted the wrong picture. Darn mobile screen. 😉