Rare color video of London circa 1927

Not my normal share… but  this really captured me. Old pictures and video are like peering back in time. The quality of this one is extremely striking. Tag across the ponder +Andrew Clifton-Brown and lover of things such as this +Sean Cowen.

Article about it is here:

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6 Responses to Rare color video of London circa 1927

  1. Keith Cramer says:

    Amazing to watch. I'll have to watch the rest once I get home. Nice find.

  2. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    Just absolutely wow +Scott Cramer I've shot so many of those places and it's really good to see them in a different time. The amount of boats on the Thames in the lead up to Tower Bridge is phenomenal! Thanks for that. Really cheered me up 🙂

  3. Nikki C says:

    A fascinating look at the old London. Petticoat Lane hasn't changed much at all.
    There is a film on YT of my little hometown from the sixties, the only thing that is the same is the public library!
    A gem of a find Scott.

  4. Scott Cramer says:

    Glad you liked!!! Sorry +Nikki C; I should have direct tagged you!

  5. Nikki C says:

    Aww no worries Scott!

  6. John Kramer says:

    Thanks for the share.  That is really cool.

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