Remembering Mom

I remember when my Mom got tired of me constantly asking her to fix chocolate chip cookies and she taught me how to make them. We never had a mixer so it was all completely by hand. I used to take the bowl out to her when my arms gave out and she would help me mix. I was a little young for sticking my arms into a 375 degree oven so she did that part also. Slowly, batch after batch, it was all me. Thousands or feasibly tens of thousands of cookies later, I still remember her every single time I make them. In the past couple years I have taught my daughter how to make them. At first, I was right behind her, just like my mom was with me. Now, she can do it all. I stand and watch and know the pride my mom must have felt. I hope some day, my daughter has the opportunity to pass it along to another generation, if that is the path she takes. Today, at the end, daughter asked me to put the cookies on the sheet and into the oven. I made an extra big cookie for her, which we have never done together before; I used to do this all the time when I was a kid. I took the pictures because I am a complete snapshot fiend with my cellphone. As I went to post this picture on Google+, I had the picture on screen and had not yet written a word. Then I received a text from my big sister. "Happy birthday, Mom…"

Goldie Cramer
September 8th, 1928 to September 16, 2002

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20 Responses to Remembering Mom

  1. Scott Cramer says:

    +Keith Cramer 

  2. Scott D says:

    Thank you for sharing, +Scott Cramer. I've done the same with my daughter.

    Sadly, while my mother (who is still here) did not teach me to bake. I learned that all on my own. I vowed that I would not let that happen to my own children, tho.

  3. Terrence Roberts says:

    It's good to have fond memories of childhood and mom.

  4. Scott Cramer says:

    I'm looking forward to toasting mom with a glass of milk and cookies later.

  5. Dirk Reul says:

    Thank you for sharing +Scott Cramer
    My mother died three years ago, even though I do not have memories like this, yet I feel glad that there are people out there that pass on these things. Keep good memories and share them with others.

  6. Bearman Cartoons says:

    I love the tribute link as well. It reminded me of my grandmother. No it wasn't cookies but rather rice krispie treats with her. The last time I saw her she was barely able to speak with her body ravaged by cancer but the last words she spoke to me was concern for how I was recovering from the chicken pox. Haven't made rice krispie treats since she has been gone. Maybe it is time. Thanks for sharing

  7. Jim Gomes says:

    Cheers, brother.  I'll dunk a few in her honor later as well.

  8. Thomas Price says:

    Thank you +Scott Cramer . Just lost my mom a week ago… This reminded me of very similar times when I was young. 🙂

  9. Scott Cramer says:

    Thanks guys… And +Bearman Cartoons cartoons, you should. 🙂

  10. Kiko Starkmann says:

    It's not only great to have memories like this, but – as an addition to +Terrence Roberts – it's great to cherish and to share them, I think. Funny thing is that something quite likely happened to me just yesterday, regarding my dad. My mum is luckily still alive and very active 🙂

    Thanks for sharing this. And my thoughts and feelings are with you right now, +Thomas Price …

  11. Keith Cramer says:

    I just found sis' text, and then your post. I didn't realize what day it was.

    I remember all the cookies with mom too, but it's funny that I have stronger memories of making home made pizzas. That's the thing that I have been doing with Charlie for the past several years, and with the same pizza pans we used when we were young.

  12. Chris Swiatek says:

    Cookies = crack.

    Well, at least for me

  13. Scott Cramer says:

    Yeah +Keith Cramer I still use metal measuring cups like mom used to have. I won't use another kind.

  14. Sanna Caduri says:

    hugs What a sweet (literally) story. 

  15. Emilio Boronali says:

    I just spent the afternoon making some cookies… That is a connexion!

  16. Scott Cramer says:

    You are family +Emilio Boronali. 'Nuff said.

    Thank you +Sanna Caduri and everyone for such a nice response. You are all invited to dinner. 🙂

  17. Allen Simpson says:

    We have always made cookies mixing by hand…my favorite part was licking the spoon afterwards and sneeking the dough when i could. I recently had to make cakes for a birthday party (a friend and i have done 2 cakes one for each person celebrating for the last 4 years so its kind of a tradition) this year we kind of lamed out and just used frosting but one year we did a whole graveyard zombie scene with fondant zombies and headstones corn syrup blood etc, another year we made a mini metro dome cake with nerd canies for players and the audiance and actually carved out the cake to make a stadium the other cake that year was a recreation of the birthday boys garage/ motorcycle shop we used a reg cake and fondant for the base and then used modeling chocolate and fondant to make the parts of a dissasembled harley knucklehead motor bike, budwiser beer cans and rice crispies and fondant to recreat his too box….ive gotten off track here and will through up some photos of these cakes one day but my point is last week when making cakes the worst part was that since i have been on a pretty restictive diet (lost 70+ pounds in the last 90 days) i couldnt enjoy things like eating the batter left on the blender or in the bowl or just eat batter by the spoon full like i used to when i was a kid…in fact i didnt even have a piece of either cake…i had to find out if it was any good by asking others…oh well its worth it i feel better and i am on my way to a more reasonable size.

  18. Scott Cramer says:

    +Allen Simpson Thanks for sharing, and definitely tag me when you upload photos. Congrats on the hard work you are doing, too! Great memories are only worthwhile if you are HERE to enjoy them!

  19. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    My fond cooking memories are of my dad (my mother wasn't the cook of the family back then). What was always fun about cooking with dad was, he never had a recipe and the food he made always looked questionable to eat…but turned out tasting so good! Dinner was never dull at my house growing up! Many of the ways I eat things are because of him! 🙂

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