Riker Sits Down

How did I never notice this before?!

You Can't Unsee This Mesmerizing Riker Supercut – http://huff.to/174HueS

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You Can’t Unsee This Mesmerizing Riker ‘Star Trek’ Supercut

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5 Responses to Riker Sits Down

  1. Scott Jordan says:

    I saw that yesterday and thought the same thing. I never noticed it before or thought twice about it.

    It just goes to show you. Riker will straddle-mount anything, including the furniture.

  2. Dirk Reul says:

    Oh dear… It all comes back. I think I have to re-watch the blueray versions again, for science

    That looks really ridiculous /p

  3. Daniela Huguet Taylor says:

    +Tomas J. Luis O.o

  4. Jake Marquart says:

    Space Cowboy

  5. Tana Adaneth says:

    Huh… never realized this before. 
    Another proof how bad an observer one is usually.

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