Bwahahaha! I'm Batman. Wait… No…
A little bit of genius by +Doug Savage. Still shopping for Christmas presents? You know Doug has books right? And mugs? And stuff? Seriously. Go support a great cartoonist with that money you were going to spend at the evil big box store!
#savagechicken #christmasgifts #fridaythe13th #batman ?Savage Chickens – Friday the 13th Cartoon
Bwahahaha! I’m Batman. Wait… No…
A little bit of genius by +Doug Savage. Still shopping for Christmas presents? You know Doug has books right? And mugs? And stuff? Seriously. Go support a great cartoonist with that money you were going to spend at the evil big box store!
#savagechicken #christmasgifts #fridaythe13th #batman
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Thanks Scott!! Much appreciated! 🙂
Gotta convert the masses +Doug Savage 😉