+Doug Savage has invented the next big thing! Let's get our 😉 and triple score :-* on! hehe
And… if you do not have Doug in your circles, please add him and show him some love. I hear for every new add he gives a bag of candy to zombies this Halloween.
https://plus.google.com/106642703176580586746/posts/9ymxS8G3otxScrabble Emoticon Edition
+Doug Savage has invented the next big thing! Let’s get our 😉 and triple score :-* on! hehe
And… if you do not have Doug in your circles, please add him and show him some love. I hear for every new add he gives a bag of candy to zombies this Halloween.
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And… anyone playing WordFeud, challenge me at "Ransackery" if you like. 😉