Sex Every Day for a Year

Loved the combination of honesty and wit in this article. I think there are lessons for both sexes.

What Happened When I Had Sex Every Day For A Year –

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What Happened When I Had Sex Every Day For A Year
The fact is, I am horrible at intimacy. I come from a family of non-huggers and I sometimes hate my body, so yeah, recipe for Temple Grandin hug machine. My husband is gorgeous and very, very sexy, but the issues we were having in the sack were all me.

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16 Responses to Sex Every Day for a Year

  1. marc karpinski says:

    after good prostate llo

  2. Skye Delaney says:

    The largest sex organ is the mind. It all begins….or ends there.

  3. Tony s says:

    That is not possible.

  4. Nesbi Maret says:

    It's sweet, conquering her body issues was awesome

  5. Alison Baur says:

    I sooo want to do this now!

  6. Skye Delaney says:

    Then do it +Alison Baur :))

  7. Alison Baur says:

    +Skye Delaney I'm gonna start as soon as he comes home 😉

  8. Ian Ridgwell says:

    Pfft old news to old couple's.

  9. Meme Smith says:

    I'm game

  10. Stephanie Dreyfürst says:

    Daily sex is awesome.

  11. Alaa Elfarargy says:

    with whom it differs

  12. John Poteet says:

    A local woman was trying to blog 365 Days of Celibacy. I think she held out for 200 something.

  13. Mellie B says:

    I have always loved her blog. Great article =)

  14. Alex Jimenez says:


  15. Tony s says:

    51 pluses already!  As a devout follower, I think I can speak for us all..  We do not want watermelon, conferences, technology, domestic surveillance, politics or war.

    More SEX please +Scott Cramer

  16. Scott Cramer says:

    Lol 😉 I is what I is, +Tony s !

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