Share Your Tree

#ShareYourTree because +Amanda Blain told me to and umm… She has magical powers or something? ;-)?

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9 Responses to Share Your Tree

  1. Kyla Myers says:

    Love your tree. Coveting your millennium falcon.

  2. Scott Cramer says:

    My tree is full of win, if I do say so myself! 🙂

  3. Matt Ingrouille says:

    This is as good a post as any to hijack and wish you Merry Christmas +Scott Cramer and +Keith Cramer and +Kyla Myers and +Mellie B and +Halfdan Reschat and anyone else in our mutual circles.

  4. Halfdan Reschat says:

    Also a merry Christmas to you, +Matt Ingrouille.

  5. Scott Cramer says:

    +Matt Ingrouille Hijack away!!! hehehe

  6. Kyla Myers says:

    Merry Christmas, +Matt Ingrouille and you, too, +Halfdan Reschat!

  7. Keith Cramer says:

    Merry Christmas to you as well +Matt Ingrouille and everyone else!

    I shall share my tree shortly!

  8. Johnnie Angel says:

    The Love Bug And the Millenium Falcon

  9. Scott Cramer says:

    Indeed! Only the best in transportation! 😀

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