Shark Surgery!

+Halfdan Reschat unpacked +Fluffy McSharkah Khan and reconstruction surgery was immediately performed on +Keith Cramer's kitchen counter. Fluffy is currently in stable condition on the mantle above the fireplace. No pets, or people, have been eaten yet.

#halfdancomestoamerica #cramerbrothers?
Shark Surgery!

+Halfdan Reschat unpacked +Fluffy McSharkah Khan and reconstruction surgery was immediately performed on +Keith Cramer’s kitchen counter. Fluffy is currently in stable condition on the mantle above the fireplace. No pets, or people, have been eaten yet.

#halfdancomestoamerica #cramerbrothers

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9 Responses to Shark Surgery!

  1. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    Was fun poking putting him back together! 😉

  2. Blaine Hall says:

    Poor wittle sharky.

  3. Keith Cramer says:

    +Fluffy McSharkah Khan is flying high now. Reconstruction was a success!

  4. Patty Rose says:

    It's a bird, it's a plane, no it's +Fluffy McSharkah Khan!!!

  5. Micha Fire says:

    welcome back to life +Fluffy McSharkah Khan =)

  6. Fluffy McSharkah Khan says:

    +Patty Rose, yes! I AM SUPERMAN!!! (Except I do not fear rocks.)

  7. Blaine Hall says:

    I can't wait to meet +Fluffy McSharkah Khan

  8. Blaine Hall says:

    Oh and +Halfdan Reschat too. LOL

  9. Patty Rose says:

    +Fluffy McSharkah Khan LOL. Superman is a wuss comapred to you – Ahh! A green rock! Oh no! A yellow one EEP!" (Don't try to scare him off with a red one though….)

    Plus, I don't think he's ever been dissasembled and reassembled. Or worn a zombie slave Princess Leia-Scott Cramer shirt. He totally couldn't pull that off.

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